Portada » 00004 – Robotic – Positive Impact of Industrial Robotson Employment February 2013

00004 – Robotic – Positive Impact of Industrial Robotson Employment February 2013

by admin

Overall paid employment has risen in most countries. In the six considered here, only Japan has seen a decline.

This is driven by increasing participation of women, and increases in population, including immigration in some cases. It is also caused by the increasing demand for services, and the creation of completely new products and markets, often related to the application of electronics to communication.

The statistics mainly show reduction in employment in manufacturing in the developed countries, often a small reduction. It coincides with an increase in output and an increase in robotics use, except in the case of Japan. The extra number that have gained employment in the years 2000 to 2011 is far greater than the small numbers losing their jobs in manufacturing.





[download file=”http://www.automation-fair.com/wp-content/uploads/00004_Update_Study_Robot_creates_Jobs_2013.pdf” title=”15/04/2013 – Robotic – Positive Impact of Industrial Robotson Employment February 2013 “]


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