Portada » 90,000 visitors expected in Paris for EMBALLAGE 2012

90,000 visitors expected in Paris for EMBALLAGE 2012

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90,000 visitors expected in Paris for EMBALLAGE, a 40th exhibition boosted by the crisis!

Is the pressure good a few weeks prior to the exhibition?

Excellent! Visitor bookings are increasing every day now that the exhibition is a few weeks ahead. The indicators are good, revealing a dynamic packaging industry, capable of creating added value for its clients:
– 80% of the 90,000 professionals expected state that they are decision-makers
– 70% declare that they come to the show with investment projects (43% of which are shortterm/ 6 months)
– the 2 main objectives of their visit are finding innovations and meeting potential suppliers

Where do visitors come from? Which geographical regions does EMBALLAGE cover?

Some 35% of the 90,000 visitors are international visitors from 100 countries, principally EMEA. Several buyer delegations have already been announced including: Algeria, Saudi Arabia/United Arab Emirates, Israel, Morocco, Poland, Russia, and Tunisia in addition to the remarkable mobilisation of Japan, where EMBALLAGE meets with great success.

And the exhibitors?

On the exhibitor side, we will assemble 1,300 companies from 44 countries, scheduled to occupy Halls 4, 5A and 6 at the Paris Nord Villepinte convention centre. In addition, 200 exhibitors will attend MANUTENTION, the Materials Handling show held in conjunction with EMBALLAGE in Hall 3.

The Top10 exhibitors are from the same countries as in 2010: France – Italy – Germany – Turkey – Belgium – Spain – China – Taiwan – Switzerland – the Netherlands. Noteworthy is that the number of participants from Germany has risen by 20%, similarly to China and Taiwan, which have overtaken Switzerland and the Netherlands in terms of ranking.

Also worthy of note is the growth of the packaging machinery and food process (+12%), health and beauty product machinery (+20%) and pre-press/printing for packaging (+15%) segments. Lastly, we are delighted to welcome more than 300 new exhibitors, providing new sourcing opportunities for buyers.

Is the crisis boosting innovation?
Absolutely. We meet ebullient companies, both buyers and suppliers, seeking added value for their clients and for themselves. EMBALLAGE is part and parcel of their sales, marketing and technical watch processes. EMBALLAGE is acknowledged as being a show for experts, where they can distinguish and elucidate the  latest innovations. And Paris is The Place to Be* for packaging innovation!

[info] en.emballageweb.com [/info]

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