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Eplan Platform 2022 more intuitive

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New Eplan Platform 2022 provider Eplan is heralding the future of electrotechnical engineering, with a focus on ease of use for both experienced users and for newcomers to the software. Th e intuitive user interface, based on use concepts most will already be familiar with, offers a high degree of recognition and improves the user experience at the same time.

The new Eplan Platform is now ready for launch and includes a newly designed user interface, improved workflows and many additional functions in connection with complementary cloud services. Overall, the new engineering software is characterised by its ease of use and high performance. This can be seen in the integrated ribbon bars, the Backstage View users may recognise from many other established software solutions, and significantly improved user ergonomics. The new, more intuitive user interface takes its cues from common international user concepts, making it easy to get started with the software.

Workflows in the age of digitalisation

The Eplan developers also really focused on the topic of workflows and designed the software to improve collaboration along the industrial value chain. This is because CAE solutions such as the Eplan Platform are something like a company’s “backbone” in engineering and product development. They are typically very deeply integrated into the customers’ infrastructure and strategy, and are planned years ahead on the investment side of things. So one of the clear goals as the company was developing the Eplan Platform 2022 was optimising data exchange between the individual stakeholders in companies’ ecosystems. Cloud applications such as Eplan eBuild, eManage (now also available in a full version), and eView provide additional impetus for completely new forms of collaboration in the context of the Eplan Platform. The added value of the new cloud-based software solutions enables greatly improved cooperation between companies and their customers, partners and suppliers.

Tested and put through its paces

Electrical Designer Markus Sommer at J. Wagner GmbH, one of the global leading manufacturers of innovative coating technology for surface finishing, is convinced of the new user interface. “The uniform user guidance in the new Eplan Platform 2022, based on established concepts from today’s working world, really makes it easy to quickly get started with the software, especially for new employees. The myriad functions that Eplan offers are well structured and clearly arranged, and the integrated ribbon technology is just fun to use.”

Sometimes the added value can be found in the details, as it is for Eplan Administrator Michael Noack at KSV, a control cabinet manufacturer in Koblenz, Germany. One of Noack’s responsibilities is maintaining the master data. He took a very deep dive into the Eplan Platform 2022 as a beta tester and for him, the new device management functions is a clear step forward: it now allows all a device’s properties to be saved depending on the variant. “The technical properties can now be depicted with more variation and greater precision in the new Eplan Platform 2022,” he explains. “With routing, for example, it is now possible to correctly map auxiliary contact blocks of contactors whose connection change their physical position depending on the substructure.” As a result, the connection diagram is even more precise and aside from simplifying the electrical engineering, it also makes the later routing within the control cabinet even easier.

Changeover to subscription model

The Eplan Platform 2022 is exclusively available as a subscription. This minimises the investment risk by way of low entry prices and more flexible planning possibilities for individual software use. With these subscriptions, Eplan is also strengthening its relationships with its customers to better address what they actually need for their daily work.

In conclusion

The Eplan Platform 2022 is more intuitive, more flexible and makes companies more productive overall. Incorpo-rated into a range of accompanying measures and solutions, such as the Eplan Partner Program and the supplementary software products in the Eplan cloud, companies can now better collaborate with the custom-ers, partners and suppliers.



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