Portada » Italy supports Industrial Research and Development with 1,000 million euros

Italy supports Industrial Research and Development with 1,000 million euros

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Funds for 1 billion euros for 4.0 investments. The initiative signed by the Italian Minister of Economic Development Giancarlo Giorgetti is part of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR). The goal is to encourage and support innovative and sustainable industrial research and experimental development projects of strategic importance for the technological competitiveness of companies.

“With the reform of the Innovation Agreements, we aim to simplify and speed up administrative procedures to quickly disburse subsidized grants and loans for companies that invest in research and experimental development to create new products and innovative production models. [… ] This is another important industrial policy instrument put in place by the Mise – he adds – to strengthen the competitiveness of our country’s productive fabric. The objective is to encourage investment projects that promote the capacity for innovation and environmental sustainability within industrial sectors, also through the resources provided for by the PNRR, positively affecting the training and development of professional skills “, said Minister Giorgetti.

Benefits provided by the PNRR

The granting of subsidized grants and loans with simplified procedures is aimed at Italian companies of all sizes that carry out industrial, agro-industrial, artisan activities and that present industrial research and experimental development projects, even jointly, aimed at creating new products, processes, services or their significant improvement through the development of the technologies defined by the program. In particular:

  • Manufacturing technologies
  • Fundamental digital technologies, including quantum technologies
  • Emerging enabling technologies
  • Advanced materials
  • Artificial intelligence and robotics
  • Circular industries
  • Clean low carbon industry
  • Rare and non-communicable diseases
  • Industrial plants in the energy transition
  • Industrial competitiveness in the transport sector
  • Clean, safe and accessible mobility and transport
  • Smart mobility
  • Energy storage
  • Food systems
  • Bio innovation systems in the bioeconomy
  • Circular systems

How to access to PNRR funds

The Italian Ministry of Economic Development has expressed its intention to carry out a careful monitoring of the subsidized initiatives, as well as the verification of the conditions for the use and maintenance of the facilities and the state of implementation of the financed interventions.

To access subsidized grants and loans, the research and development projects presented by companies must:

  • Provide expenses and eligible costs of not less than 5 million euros.
  • Not to have a duration exceeding 36 months.
  • Be initiated after the submission of the application for subsidies to the Ministry of Economic Development.

Once the positive evaluation of the project has been confirmed, it is possible to proceed with the definition of the Innovation Agreement between the Mise, the proponents and any public administrations interested in supporting the research and development project.

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