Portada » Easier integration of b maXX servo controllers thanks to Profinet

Easier integration of b maXX servo controllers thanks to Profinet

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Starting immediately, Baumüller is also offering basic motion control functions for its servo-controllers via the Profinet interface for external control units.

For many years, Baumüller has been offering numerous interfaces to various fieldbus systems for its b maXX servo drives. This allows the drives to be combined with control units from different manufacturers. Previously, however, the motions within the control unit had to be generated by machine manufacturers themselves.

To make integration into third-party topologies even easier, Baumüller has now redeveloped a number of libraries for control units to include Profinet. These libraries contain function blocks for standard motion functions, such as position regulation, speed control, and homing. Depending on the module, either Profinet RT (Real Time) or Profinet IRT (Isochronous Real Time) is used for data transmission.

Pre-programmed libraries for b maXX converters save time and effort

Libraries with the function blocks therefore no longer have to be programmed by the machine manufacturers themselves, but can instead be purchased along with the devices. This reduces the amount of programming and time required, thus tying up less staff capacities. As before, the converters are connected to the control unit via the Profinet fieldbus.Integration made easier: Baumüller now offers pre-programmed libraries for its b maXX servo-controllers in Profinet systems

Baumüller is starting with libraries for Profinet versions V14, V15, V15.1, and V17, which are required to control Baumüller converters. Further fieldbus systems are in planning.


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