Portada » Pepperl+Fuchs Reaches the Billion Mark for the First Time

Pepperl+Fuchs Reaches the Billion Mark for the First Time

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Just in time for Christmas Eve, the Executive Board of the Mannheim-based automation specialist was able to announce good news on its own behalf: For the first time in its 77-year history, Pepperl+Fuchs exceeded the threshold of one billion euros in annual sales worldwide on this very day. The company has thereby reached its target, which was originally set for 2025, significantly earlier than planned—despite all the adversities of the last few years of crisis.

In fact, the globally positioned company has mastered the challenges since the start of the Corona pandemic very well. After an initial drop in sales of 9 % in 2020, Pepperl+Fuchs was able to record an overall increase in sales of more than 40 % in the two years following the pandemic.

Great Success Despite Challenging Times

The fact that this was achieved despite the enormously tense conditions caused by the pandemic, supply bottlenecks, drastic inflation and, last but not least, the war in Ukraine and the gas shortage, makes Dr. Gunther Kegel, CEO of the Pepperl+Fuchs Group, very proud: “Without the special commitment of our more than 7000 employees worldwide in these extraordinary times, this magnificent success would not have been possible. For this, we would like to express our special appreciation to each and every one of them on behalf of the shareholder families and the Executive Board.”

The outlook for the future is correspondingly optimistic. “This outstanding result will allow us to continue to make strategic investments and consistently expand our workforce in the future to ensure the long-term success of our company,” Dr. Kegel continued.

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