Portada » Establish Multiple EtherNet/IP I/O Connections in DIADesigner-AX

Establish Multiple EtherNet/IP I/O Connections in DIADesigner-AX

by admin

When building an EtherNet/IP architecture, it will be organized as Scanner (master station) and Adapter (slave station). Each product communicates through I/O Connection or TAG Connection. The definition of its connection content is mainly based on EDS files.

In the AX series slave station, users can dynamically configure the connection content through DIADesigner-AX and then export the EDS file. The AS series has planned EDS files for users and has been built into DIADesigner-AX.

This example uses DIADIADesigner-AX with AX-8 Windows as the Scanner (master station), AX-3, AX-8 Linux and AS324MT as the Adapter (slave station). Some connections are labeled for data exchange. The architecture is as follows.

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