Portada » OPC UA communication between Siemens S7-1500 and ABB products

OPC UA communication between Siemens S7-1500 and ABB products

by admin

This section describes the basic step to connect devices with the Siemens PLC S7-1500 via Smart Communication Card using OPC UA.

In this application note, data from UMC and CM-TCN.012 are collected in Smart Communication Card (SCC) via Modbus TCP
and Modbus RTU respectively.

Siemens PLC is connected then to SCC over OPC UA and thus data from the UMC and CM-TCN.012 is being monitored in Sie-
mens PLC in TIA portal.

Digitalization is not the future – it is already here. The Smart Communication Card enables your devices to connect to cloud based portals. Using the standard OPC UA protocol, the Smart Communication Card provides seamless integration of contactors to the cloud via NovolinkTM. In addition, Modbus RTU and Modbus TCP provide advanced connectivity to your devices. The easy-to-configure Smart Communication Card is designed to bring a piece of the cloud to everyone.

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