Portada » Trade fair combination intec and Z enters into the hot phase

Trade fair combination intec and Z enters into the hot phase

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The preparations for the sector start of the German metal processing industry for the year 2013 are fully underway in Leipzig. From February 26th until March 1st 2013 the trade fairs intec and Z again extend an invitation to the largest industrial and investment equipment exhibition in Eastern Germany. The advance signs are good for a successful progression of the fairs. To supplement the diverse displays in the exhibition halls, the top-class conference program addresses key topics in the industry.

The trade fair double starts into the year 2013 with a small jubilee. Both events are already being conducted together in Leipzig for the fifth time. „We have written a real success story here“, says Markus Geisenberger, managing director of the Leipziger Messe, and adds: „The combination of intec and Z is unique in Germany and has established itself as one of the most important sector platforms in the metal processing as well as the subcontracting industry early on. We will continue to work on developing this success.“

For the next fairs in 2013 roughly 1,400 exhibitors are being expected in Leipzig. „Based on the registrations to date and positive signals from the companies, we believe we will be able to maintain our high level and may even be able to extend it somewhat“, says Kersten Bunke-Njengué. The project director of intec and Z explains further: „Since the premiere as combined events we have achieved an exhibitor growth of 34 percent, the number of visitors has been doubled and the national and international attraction has substantially increased. This shows that our concept was well conceived.“

This positive balance is not a matter of chance. Both exhibitions focus on the machine and plant construction industry, as well as the automobile and vehicle industry. Especially since the year 2000 these sectors have experienced a renaissance in central Germany and have greatly shaped the environment. Together with the focus on technology for energy production from regenerative raw materials, they have become the innovation stimulators of the region. This is also mirrored in the intec and Z. It is hereby not only a matter of the pure production and export. Central Germany is also attractive as a supply and sales market for companies from throughout Germany and beyond.

Clearer character, streamlined profile

The intec opens the exhibition year 2013 for its sector with an extensive and representative range of presentations. The portfolio contains tool machines and special machines, tools, tool systems, devices, modules and machine components, as well as laser systems for material processing. The bandwidth of the exhibiting companies extends from world-wide active technological corporations, up to established specialists for complete manufacturing solutions or individual customer requirements.

The main focus area of the internationally based Z (32 percent foreign exhibitors) is subcontracting for the automobile industry, machine and plant construction, as well as further industrial application areas such as plastic technology, energy plant construction or medical technology. The spectrum extends from semi-finished products, parts and components, through complex fibre composite plastics and mechatronic systems, up to technologies and services for the development and manufacture of components.

Exhibition addresses key topics of the sector

One of the strengths of the combination of intec and Z is to be able to respond flexibly to the requirements of the industry and the market as well as to exhibit innovative trends. „To ensure that the exhibitions also remain on course in future we are further refining the content offers and are qualitatively extending the exhibition spectrum. We set up important sector topics for discussion in the accompanying supporting program and in special exhibitions“, explains Kersten Bunke-Njengué.

Therefore, within the scope of a special exhibition, the processing of new materials or respectively composite materials is placed in the centre of focus as one of the key technologies for automobile and vehicle construction. Under the aspect of the efficient use of energy and raw materials throughout the entire production and manufacturing process, the use of new materials with defined characteristics is gaining increasing importance – a challenge that requires to be met by machine construction, tool construction and manufacturing technology. As partner the Leipziger Messe has been able to venture a cooperation with the Institute for Light Construction and Plastics Technology of the TU Dresden for this.

„Already today in Germany there is a great deal of know-how in the field of processing and handling of modern fibre composite materials with series production capabilities, it however remains to network this more fully over the width and depth. In the development of resource-efficient automated processes for fibre composite products some gaps remain to be closed to be able to implement sequential process chains with high value creation. Hereby the integration of the new process chains into existing production processes requires special attention“, comments institute director Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Prof. E.h. Dr. h.c. Werner Hufenbach in his evaluation of the current development status.

Top class conference program with tradition

An important feature of the exhibition combination is the ambitious accompanying program. In 2013 too there will be numerous international conferences, specialist congresses and workshops that are especially directed towards the machine construction and the subcontracting industry.

According to the project director: “Highly qualified events have now repeatedly taken place within the scope of the exhibition combination of intec and Z. This is clear evidence for the significance the combination enjoys in industry and research.”

A firm fixture in the specialist program is the future conference for machine construction organized by the VDMA, which also in 2013 will be addressing the most important tasks laying ahead for the sector.

The congress for resource-efficient production will take place for the third time. Already since 2009 the Fraunhofer Institute for Tool Machines and Forming Technology IWU has placed the efficient handling of energy and resources in the manufacturing process in the centre of their event during the intec and Z.

Traditionally for the exhibition combination the Automotive Cluster Eastern Germany ACOD extends an invitation to the congress and sector meeting of the automobile suppliers in Leipzig.

Also the international specialist congress MicroCar 2013 addresses the topic ‚Micro materials and nano materials under the aspect of their reliability’ for automobile construction.

Specialists in view

„The long-term and targeted addressing of trainee specialists is increasingly becoming an important criterion of corporate planning in the competition for the best brains. Therefore we are within the scope of the intec and Z already for the 4th time together with the Leipziger Messe conducting the student day on the last exhibition day, which has now developed to the largest job marketplace for professional beginners in engineering technology in Central Germany“, explains the project manager of the Association Initiative Machine Construction Saxony VEMAS Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dieter Weidlich, about the commitment within the scope of the exhibition duo. The event is started with a podium discussion with representatives from the economy, education and politics. Then the companies will be offered the opportunity to easily take up contact with their future employees in a job market.

At the previous event of the specialist trade fair double intec and Z in 2011, 1,345 exhibiting companies and 20,800 specialist visitors came to the Leipzig exhibition facilities.

[info] www.messe-intec.de [/info]

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