Portada » Recognition of innovation in industry: Bosch Rexroth wins Hermes Award 2013

Recognition of innovation in industry: Bosch Rexroth wins Hermes Award 2013

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Bosch Rexroth was honored with the Hermes Award 2013 yesterday during the official opening ceremony of the Hannover Messe trade fair. Federal Education Minister Prof. Dr. Johanna Wanka presented the coveted international industry award to Bosch Rexroth Chairman Dr. Karl Tragl in Hanover. The company prevailed over four other finalists thanks to its Open Core Engineering software concept. With its innovative interface technology, the control and drive manufacturer is bridging the gap between machine software and the IT world. According to the jury, this is an excellent example of “integrated industry”, the theme of this year’s Hannover Messe and one of the hottest industry topics these days.

“Open Core Engineering by Bosch Rexroth is putting something in motion which we are pursuing through the concept of integrated industry, because it is a game-changer for machinery manufacturers. In our view, both the solution and the business model are innovative and will have a lasting impact,” Prof. Dr. Wolf-Dieter Lukas, head of the department for “Key technologies – research and innovation” at the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and member of the Hermes Award jury, explained when announcing the nomination of Bosch Rexroth as one of the five finalists a few days ago.

“We are proud to be recognized in this way because it shows that Bosch Rexroth is developing the right solutions for the rapid technological shift,” emphasizes Dr. Karl Tragl, Chairman of the Board of Bosch Rexroth AG. “We are offering machinery manufacturers a whole new level of freedom, giving them the ability to realize their innovative ideas in the software.”

With Open Core Engineering, engineers are able, for the first time, to create new software functions in a number of different programming languages and to directly access the control core. This is an essential prerequisite for the integration of machines with the IT world. In addition, Open Core Engineering allows machinery manufacturers to significantly accelerate commissioning and diagnosis, and to design entirely new user interfaces. Moreover, Bosch Rexroth provides them with the possibility of programming their own applications for smartphones and tablets, and to integrate them seamlessly into the automation process.

The Hermes Award, which is already in its 10th year, is one of the most significant technology awards for the capital goods industry worldwide.


[info] www.boschrexroth.com[/info]

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