Portada » Multi-Ethernet axis controllers for hydraulic applications

Multi-Ethernet axis controllers for hydraulic applications

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In the woodworking industry dynamics and accuracy decisively determine the yield. For this reason, the precise control of tools is essential in order to produce in an efficient and cost-saving manner. With the new valves of the IAC series, Bosch Rexroth offers a very compact hydraulic drive system specifically for woodworking applications. More and more machine manufacturers change their automation solutions over to open Ethernet interfaces to enhance the future-proofness of their concepts. In this way, they become independent of individual suppliers and increase the acceptance on all regional markets. Bosch Rexroth now extends these capabilities with the new IAC series with multi-Ethernet interface. Based on identical hardware, these valves support nearly all common Ethernet protocols and fit seamlessly into a wide variety of automation environments. Thanks to the combination of this bus connectivity with best-in-class hydraulic controllers as well as the high-quality high-response valve, Bosch Rexroth can offer an optimum solution for applications in the woodworking industry.

Our multi-Ethernet high-response valves with Integrated Axis Controller (IAC) control axes independently of the machine control with own motion functionality and process data from various sensors that can be directly connected. With its integrated axis controller electronics the valve relieves the higher-level control. The real-time-capable multi-Ethernet platform offers machine manufacturers the freedom to choose from the most important Ethernet protocols such as sercos, EtherCAT, Ethernet IP, PROFINET RT, and Varan. This allows designers flexible connectivity to controls from different manufacturers. Machine manufacturers can therefore offer their customers a selection of different controls with a minimum of engineering effort.

The software of multi-Ethernet IAC, which can be finely scaled in terms of performance and function, takes account of the special aspects of fluid power technology. Pre-defined functions for position controllers with fine positioning, pressure, force and velocity controller as well as alternating control help machine manufacturers to quickly realize hydraulic motion sequences. Users can adjust functions independently of the higher-level control with the help of optimized algorithms and characteristics.

The engineering environment IndraWorks standardizes and simplifies commissioning, parameterization and diagnostics. This allows a fast localization of faults should a repair be necessary.

Harsh conditions such as high shock loads and severe accumulations of wood dust are unavoidable side effects in the woodworking industry. In the course of the new development of the multi-Ethernet IAC, developers have optimized robustness and safety alike. For example, assemblies are suitable for ambient temperatures up to 60°C. The on-board electronics is extremely resistant to vibration. Moreover, the integrated control electronics of the valve allows the deactivation of a channel in accordance with EN 13849-1. Designers can therefore comply with the stipulations of the Machinery Directive in an efficient and future-oriented way.


[info] www.boschrexroth.com/en/ [/info]

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