Portada » CODESYS Automation Server now provides intuitive data analysis

CODESYS Automation Server now provides intuitive data analysis

by admin

Comfortable data recording and analysis in the Industry 4.0 platform CODESYS Automation Server

The CODESYS Automation Server is the Industry 4.0 platform for more than 100,000 CODESYS users worldwide. The Server helps them manage their controllers and related applications and roll out updates. At the same time the platform offers a secure infrastructure for remote access, debugging or web visualization.

The CODESYS Automation Server now covers one more important use case. With so-called Data Analyzer projects, users can now very easily monitor, operate and analyze their machine and plant controls remotely from anywhere in the world – thanks to cloud technology. Existing approaches usually focus on the transmission path – the buzz words being MQTT or OPC UA. The new function package, in contrast, concentrates on the core tasks: convenient processing, display, analysis, and modification of data. Users automatically use the secure communication of the CODESYS Automation Server as a manufacturer-independent platform.

The package was developed by integrating AnyViz, the automation cloud of Mirasoft GmbH & Co. KG, into the Industry 4.0 platform CODESYS Automation Server. Matthias Kolmer, CEO at Mirasoft: “Automation engineers do require a variety of solutions. At the same time, they want to use one and the same product wherever possible. The integration of AnyViz into the CODESYS Automation Server provides a perfect all-in-one solution.“

The new function package with the integrated data analysis can be used immediately. The CODESYS Automation Server is available free of charge until the end of 2020. Registration is possible in the CODESYS Store at store.codesys.com/.

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