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Practical online preparation for Industry 4.0

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The digitalization of business and production processes is picking up unbelievable speed at the moment. The pressure to change that is being felt by manufacturing companies is intensifying and has spread across all areas of these operations, including the development of new business models. With the help of a live and modular eTraining called “Digitalization of the modern world of work – entry into Industry 4.0” , the Rexroth Academy is offering a practical introduction to the fundamentals, impact and future of digitalization in industrial areas. The online training program is available in German and English. It is designed for developers, production and logistics specialists as well as managers in all departments of the company.

Big Data, data mining and the Internet of Things will provide users with tremendous competitive edges by driving down costs and increasing flexibility. But the digital transformation requires a company-wide consensus and a fundamental understanding of these trends of the future. This is where Bosch Rexroth’s live eTraining program comes into play. Experts in factory and logistics automation and the use of production-related software will introduce participants to the requirements and usage opportunities in their operational area.

After covering the basics of the Internet of Things and Industry 4.0, the instructors, all of whom have teaching qualifications, explore a broad range of topics that extend from data collection in a value chain and artificial intelligence in production and logistics to new opportunities created by blockchain technology. Data security is always a top priority. This is why it is essential for employees to recognize the improvement potential of the company’s own network. The topic is covered in a training module of about 90 minutes. For years now, Bosch and Bosch Rexroth have been facilitating the digital transformation in their own production plants and many other companies in their roles as leading suppliers and leading users of Industry 4.0.


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