Portada » International exhibition for metal working AMB is back

International exhibition for metal working AMB is back

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After the suspension of last year’s event, AMB – International exhibition for metal working will get back into its regular cycle and take place again at the Stuttgart trade fair centre from 13 – 17 Sep 2022. All major exhibitors from the metal working and processing industry will present their innovations and further developments to the interested professional visitors over five trade fair days. “We’re really excited to finally be able to stage trade fairs again”, explains Gunnar Mey, Department Director Industry at Landesmesse Stuttgart GmbH.

Great support from the industry

The Trade Fair Advisory Board supports the project team in their endeavour: At the kick-off meeting on 8 June, all companies pledged their full backing for the trade fair. The companies present in the meeting were DMG MORI, INDEX-Werke, HAHN+KOLB, EMCO, GF Machining Solutions, CHIRON Werke, FFG Europe, KASTO, GÜHRING, CERATIZIT, ISCAR, Hartmetall-Werkzeugfabrik Paul Horn, MAPAL, NAGEL Werkzeug-Maschinen, Ilg + Sulzberger und Römheld. “The trust placed in us from exhibitors and partners makes us extremely proud and confirms us on our way to a great AMB 2022”, says Mey.

Best signs for a successful AMB

The current market data presented by the promotional supporters of AMB including the VDMA Precision Tools Association, the VDMA Software and Digitalisation Association and the German Machine Tool Builders’ Association (VDW) approve the impressions of the Trade Fair Advisory Board and give a positive outlook on the current economic developments: Increases in incoming orders point to a recovery in the industry. These are the best signs for a successful restart of AMB which gathers momentum with the announced registration phase.

In the calendars of the industry, AMB 2022 from 13 – 17 Sep 2022 is a fixture. The next important milestone for exhibitors at AMB 2022 is the start of the planning phase on 15 Oct 2021.

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