Portada » Advantech 2023 Partner Conference Embraces AIoT and Edge Computing Trends

Advantech 2023 Partner Conference Embraces AIoT and Edge Computing Trends

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Advantech announced that two World Partner Conferences (WPCs) will be held simultaneously at Advantech’s AIoT Co-Creation Campus, focusing on two keynote themes: Edge Evolution – Shaping the Future of Embedded and Emerging Business, and Partnering from Edge to Cloud Solutions.

The conferences will cover a range of topics, including Embedded IoT Platforms, Edge Computing & EdgeAI Platforms, and Edge+ Software & Industrial Peripheral Module Solutions & Services. The goal is to target the expansion of emerging application industries, including Green Energy, Robotics & AMR, EV Infrastructure, and Mission-Critical applications. Additionally, the conferences will continue to promote the implementation of smart industry solutions such as iHealthcare, iRetail & Hospitality, and iLogistics & Fleet Management. Advantech, in collaboration with partners, will showcase various innovative solutions at the conferences.

Miller Chang, President of Advantech’s Embedded-IoT Group, emphasized that Advantech’s commitment to product innovation spans 40 years. “ Recently, we have adopted a “Sector-Driven” approach, tightly aligning product innovation with industry-specific needs, and integrating 5G, AI, and cloud technologies into this approach. Through collaboration with global sales channels and distribution partners, Advantech aims to enter emerging domains such as green energy, EV infrastructure, robotics, and AMR, accelerating the global deployment of AIoT applications. Additionally, to meet industry-specific needs and support the value-add business model, Advantech has announced a series of new generation edge computing and AI platform integrated with Edge AI SDK, EdgeSync 360, DeviceOn AIoT device management, and IoT Security software solutions, partnering with several global strategic leaders including Intel, AMD, NVIDIA, Arm, NXP, Qualcomm, MediaTek, and Microsoft Azure Open AI.”

MC Chiang, Vice President of Advantech’s Service-IoT Group, highlighted that as AI, 5G, and recent technologies continue to reshape AIoT applications, Advantech will pivot using its “Sector-Driven” approach and extensive industry knowledge to develop standardized solutions. These solutions will hasten the deployment of AIoT applications across various industries. Moreover, Advantech’s Service-IoT Group (SIoT) will remain focused on three major industries: healthcare, retail/hospitality, and public services/logistics/fleet management, and mobility. By adapting diverse and innovative hardware and software solutions to the specific application needs of these industries, SIoT positions itself as a powerful driving force in clients’ digital transformation journey.

The main forums of the World Partner Conference (WPC) welcomed nearly 50 distinguished partners from industry, government, and academia, delivering lectures to delve into the future of AI and edge computing. Furthermore, throughout the two WPCs, participants discussed and shared various products and applications, each emphasizing different core directions.

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