APLEX Technology Inc., a global industrial computer products solution providers, today announces that it will demonstrate its complete portfolio of system & embedded solutions for IPCs users at SPS IPC Drives in Nuremberg from 27th to 29th, November – 2012, including the latest stainless steel product APC 38125, with cable-hidden design, APC-38137 panel PC with ATEX(EN-60079:11) and a new box PC ACS-2861 for railway application(EN50155). The company will also unveil its brand new generation HMI products, so called ARCHMI, featuring slim & compact PC deployment and dual core computing for versatile applications.
“APLEX has been participating in SPS IPC Drives, the Europe’s leading exhibition for electric automation, for three consecutive years. Since EU is a promising market for all industrial PCs manufacturers and thus APLEX definitely cannot be absent from the show. APLEX’s planning to present our innovative products and technologies at SPS IPC Drives, and we also sincerely welcome international buyers to visit APLEX booth at the exhibition period.” said by Conrad Ai , Manager of Product Manage Division. At SPS IPC Drives, APLEX will be showcasing the following products:
Unveiling the New Generation of Aplex HMI product, ARCHMI
Aplex Robust Control HMI (ARCHMI) is a new generation of APLEX HMI series that combines functions and features that add value to industrial-grade users. Uniting robust, rugged, eco-effective and versatile applications is the major principle why APLEX launched ARCHMI.
Intelligent Rail Transportation Applications
With the popularity of mass transportation in developing and emerging nations, many IPC companies are working on developing more sustainable automobile products in order to meet the trend. ACS-2861 is Aplex’s first product for rail transportation, featuring EN-50155 T1 (-20℃ to 70)operating temperature range, and it provides EN-50155 S1 grade for working under unstable electric voltage input.
ATEX 95(Equipment for Explosive Atmosphere)
APLEX APC-38137 implemented with ATEX(EN-60079:11/13980),which is offered to the European directives for controlling explosive environment, can be protected from hazardous/explosive environment not only in chemical facilities, but also in petroleum, mining industry…etc. Furthermore, APC-38137 is special-designed to work under ATEXT 95 group I Zone I category, along with M12 connectors and total IP65 protection.
Expert of Stainless Steel Product
APC-38125, the latest APLEX stainless panel PC with IP 65 protection, comes with smooth stainless steel workmanship and integrated hidden cable design on its pedestal. The hidden cable design is totally pleasing to the eye. APC-38125 is definitely a perfect solution for pharmaceutical, food, butchery, animal husbandry, and chemical industries.
[info]www.APLEX.com.tw [/info]