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Bachmann automation solutions at the EWEA 2013

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The installation of over 60,000 systems speaks for itself: Bachmann electronic is the Number 1 in the automation of wind applications. Worldwide more than 150 leading companies in the wind sector place their trust in the experience, solutions, technologies and partnership of Bachmann.

At this year’s EWEA fair in Vienna, Austria, the automation specialist Bachmann electronic is presenting its expertise in integrated system solutions. From February 4 to 7, 2013, Bachmann is showing its portfolio specially for automation in the wind sector.

Hardware features such as robust design, optimum availability and more make the M1 system stand out and meet the requirements for successful operation in the onshore and offshore sector. Safe operation is also ensured under extreme climatic conditions with temperatures from -40°C to +70°C and in the presence of condensation. A proven availability of over 99.96% in real operation speaks for itself.

Software modules for wind power plants

Bachmann is providing over ten years of experience in wind applications in the form of the WTE – Wind Turbine Essentials – software package. Tailored to the manufacturers of wind power plants, it reduces the time required for developing and commissioning the controller software and the SCADA system. Standard functions that are typically found in any wind power plant are provided as software function blocks, thus covering the majority of necessary functions.

Trailblazer: Certified PLC-integrated CMS

Last year Germanischer Lloyd certified the “Ω-Guard” condition monitoring system (CMS) of Bachmann electronic as the world’s first PLC-integrated solution. The implemented solution makes it possible for the first time to execute the entire logging, analysis and evaluation whilst the PLC program is running. Additional functions for monitoring the structure and rotor blade can be integrated in the CMS and the PLC without the need to double the sensors. This allows standard interfaces to the central controller in hardware and software to be re-used cost effectively.

Web-basis for SCADA and visualization

Bachmann is also presenting the atvise SCADA product as a state-of-the-art SCADA solution in pure web technology for the wind sector. Information about the operating state of a plant can thus be called up from all terminal devices and browsers, from any location and at any time. A large number of functions for handling alarms, events, faults and data history are available, as well as graphical plant components.

Ensuring standards compliant and stable electricity generation

The GMP232 grid measurement and protection module from Bachmann also integrates the necessary protection and monitoring functions for conventional control tasks. In order to comply with grid codes, it offers grid and generator protection in one, and thus ensures the stability and availability of the electrical energy supply.

New version with specific interfaces

A new version of M-Target for Simulink offers users of the MATLAB/Simulink simulation tool and M-Target for Simulink, the associated code generation tool for the M1 controller system, several helpful functions for simpler and faster engineering.

With these solutions, Bachmann electronic is underlining its position as a market leader for control systems in the wind sector.

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