Portada » Bausch + Ströbel uses zenon from COPA-DATA throughout the company

Bausch + Ströbel uses zenon from COPA-DATA throughout the company

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Bausch + Ströbel is now using zenon from COPA-DATA as a company-wide platform for process and information management. The globally-active specialist machine builder uses the HMI/SCADA solution for machine operation, logging operational data and the control and monitoring of individual machines and production lines for the pharmaceutical, chemical and cosmetic industry.

The specialist machine builder Bausch + Ströbel is now offering its customers all functionality for the control and monitoring of packaging and production processes in the pharmaceutical industry on the basis of zenon. The new zenon based HMI/SCADA application is used for lot-based recording, visualization, control and logging of all processes and all data created from production and packaging.

“We looked for a consistent solution from machine control through to the management level. The HMI/SCADA system should provide maximum process safety and comprehensive quality management and give us the capability to implement all compliance requirements and legal directives for packaging and production systems in the pharmaceutical industry. We have found the optimum solution with zenon,” explains Michael Pratz, who is in charge of automation, equipment qualification and documentation as well as technical IT at Bausch + Ströbel.

A consistent basis of data for pharmaceutical companies

A significant requirement for an HMI/SCADA solution in the pharmaceutical industry is data integrity, which also has a decisive influence on the quality of the product. With zenon, Bausch + Ströbel can consistently write all data from processes, such as temperatures, pressure and weight values to a database, read them off again, evaluate or analyze them and archive them. The use of an SQL database and the OPC UA connection also makes it possible to forward the production results to superordinate systems such as MES solutions.

zenon – tamper-proof, reliable and with complete coverage

One of the decisive criteria that Bausch + Ströbel had for a HMI/SCADA solution was comprehensive user administration and the ability to use Microsoft Windows as the operating system and thus enable integration into Active Directory. zenon thus supports the pharmaceutical industry optimally in adhering to international legal requirements such as FDA 21 CRF PART 11 or GMP and with the creation of the required Audit Trails: zenon records which user has carried out which interaction and documents this. It is thus possible to trace all user interventions and relevant results – such as process events, value changes or limit values being exceeded – at any time.

Maximum user-friendliness and efficient working

On the basis of zenon, Bausch + Ströbel has developed modern and intuitive user interfaces that consistently portray all working processes of the machine and equipment operators. A minimum number of working stages ensures that the work is designed more efficiently and the likelihood of errors is reduced. Michael Pratz from Bausch + Ströbel says: “Our new zenon based application is a complete paradigm shift. The solution works consistently in a process-orientated and task-orientated manner and is extremely user friendly.”

Increased efficiency thanks to recipe management

With the zenon Recipegroup Manager, it is possible to keep individual packaging and manufacturing parameters, target values and commands in a list, enabling them to be executed in Runtime with a single function call.

Bausch + Ströbel uses the central recipe or format management in zenon to edit, delete, approve, save or administer all format parameters of the individual machines or a whole line.

Acting internationally

Due to the global orientation of the pharmaceutical industry and the fact that 90 percent of its goods are exported, international orientation of the software solution is a basic requirement for Bausch + Ströbel. With the language switching in zenon, users can switch language and fonts or convert units as desired whilst the program is in operation and without laborious adaptations. At the same time, the selected language is used throughout. Audit Trails are therefore stored in the desired language.

“We are very happy that our solution, zenon, impressed Bausch + Ströbel. Consistent processes, consistent data, maximum security, comprehensive quality management and compliance with legal requirements are the powerful and functional characteristics of our HMI/SCADA solution that companies in the pharmaceutical and chemical industries, in particular, demand. With zenon, these companies can master the challenges of security and traceability and at the same time offer innovative solutions that increase efficiency and productivity,” says Frank Hägele, Sales Manager at COPA-DATA GmbH in Germany.

[info] www.copadata.com
www.bausch-stroebel.com [/info]

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