Portada » New Berghof library of codes QR for CODESYS

New Berghof library of codes QR for CODESYS

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Berghof, as a specialist in automation solutions, has developed a QR code library for CODESYS for its customers. This tool offers support for service applications in the Industry 4.0 area, in error analysis and in obtaining information.

Using the generated QR code you can, for example: B. Machine data, status information or error codes can be easily recorded, even if the machine is not connected to the network. Using the scanned data, further process steps such as software upgrades or the purchase of machine-specific spare parts can be quickly and easily identified and initiated.

Due to their unique structure, QR codes can contain a wide variety of data and can be easily and quickly recorded using the appropriate devices. After purchasing the QR code library enterprise license, internationally standardized QR codes according to ISO/IEC18004 can be generated on our CODESYS V3 controllers. There are several features available that can be used very easily.

Your benefits at a glance:

  • Implementation of innovative service concepts.
  • It can also be used for machines that are not networked.
  • Reduction of downtime
  • Easy provision of machine information
  • Deployed quickly

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