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Big intelligence for small drives

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Machine manufacturers and system integrators expect everything – from comprehensive functionalities to drive-based motion logic controls – even from electrical drives in the lower power range. They want to take advantage of peripheral intelligence for very compact automations. To tackle these tasks, Rexroth offers the new ADVANCED performance level for the compact drive series IndraDrive Cs. Integrated motion logic according to IEC 61131-3 controls up to nine additional axes via a sercos master interface. Multi-Ethernet or an additional field bus interface simplify integration into various automation concepts. The drive-integrated safety functions achieve SIL 3.

The new performance level of the IndraDrive Cs ADVANCED drive series features both a sercos master interface as well as increased processing power. That makes it possible to connect up to nine slave drives as well as additional external input/output modules. Sercos allows users to use the high efficiency ECONOMY versions as slave drives on the new ADVANCED device, even in hard real-time environments. The optional drive-integrated motion logic control system IndraMotion MLD allows IndraDrive Cs ADVANCED as a master to control independent drive packages and thus handle a wide range of drive tasks.

The small drives and their universal communication hardware support all standard Ethernet-based communications interfaces, e.g. sercos, PROFINET IO (RT), EtherNet/IP, and EtherCAT. Users configure the desired communication protocol for the multi-Ethernet interface themselves using the software. In addition, the innovative multi-encoder interface also supports a wide range of standard encoder systems, e.g. EnDat, Hiperface, SSI encoder, simple TTL incremental encoder, sinus cosinus encoder, resolver, and the serial encoder system for Rexroth’s exceptionally compact MSM motors. IndraDrive Cs also supports different linear motor versions by using the electronic commutation and/or analog and digital Hall sensors. Using an additional field bus interface, the new version with its connected slave drives can be integrated into nearly any control environment as an intelligent subsystem. An integrated gateway gives the field bus master access to the slave drives connected to the IndraDrive Cs ADVANCED, just as if they were directly connected to the field bus master.

The compact small drives with the certified Safe Torque Off (STO) safety function and Safe Brake Control (SBC) achieve Kat 4 PL e according to EN ISO 13849-1 and SIL 3 according to EN 62061, and allow the fast realization of modern safety concepts. These safety functions are available for all power stages and performance levels of IndraDrive Cs.

Saving the firmware and parameters in the intelligent control panel enables the transmission of all drive-specific data by simply exchanging the control panel. That feature allows a fast, PC-less device exchange and comfortable series commissioning. Enhanced capabilities, especially when combined with IndraMotion MLD applications, are possible with the optional use of a μSD card for additional memory. An integrated web server, the IndraMotion Service Tool, offers access to all drive diagnoses and parameters via a standard web browser.

Rexroth offers the highly dynamic IndraDrive Cs compact drives for open and closed loop operations and direct network connection in two versions. The converters for 100 to 230V AC mains supply are designed for connecting motors with 50 to 750 watts of mechanical continuous power and can also be operated as single phase drives without significant power loss. The drives for supply voltages of 200 to 500V AC cover the power range from 400 watts to 9 kW continuous power.

[info] www.boschrexroth.com [/info]

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