Portada » Bonfiglioli is part of MOLIERE

Bonfiglioli is part of MOLIERE

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MOLIERE, which stands for Multipurpose flexible high resolution strain sensor, is an European funded project, which is inserted in the EIT Manufacturing Agenda. Its main project focus is on the industrialization of an ultra-high-resolution MEMS (micro electro-mechanical systems) strain sensor, 1000 higher than current commercial strain gauge.

EIT Manufacturing, co-funded by the European Unione, was established in 2019 with the aim of contributing to make Europe and its manufacturing sector more competitive and sustainable. By accelerating innovation, to improve everyday life globally, it also points out to meet Europe’s climate goals, and ensure a well ready workforce for tomorrow’s challenges. This is possible by gathering a network of top-tier industrial partners, leading academic and research institutions, innovative startups, scaleups and SMEs.

MOLIERE, which stands for Multipurpose flexible high resolution strain sensor, is an European funded project, which is inserted in the EIT Manufacturing Agenda. Its main project focus is on the industrialization of an ultra-high-resolution MEMS (micro electro-mechanical systems) strain sensor, 1000 higher than current commercial strain gauge.

The sensor will be capable of measuring several physical dimensions related to material deformation such as pressure, flow, load, speed and weight, overstress and endowed with onboard control and condition monitoring capabilities. Thanks to its sensitivity it will be able to monitor real functioning conditions of a machine, which is a fundamental condition for a right diagnosis and prognosis.

Key features of MOLIERE are its multidimensionality (for different kinds of physical quantities at the same time), a wide range of measurements (larger bandwidth) for higher dynamics beyond the limits of existing sensors, a very high resolution and small size, accompanied by a non-invasive installation (without needs to modify the device structure).

MOLIERE’s main advantages are easy installation, performances, flexibility on physical quantities measurement and low cost.

Bonfiglioli, as a partner in the project, will work on Components and FEM/CFD analysis for first applications. Other players involved are CNR for sensors design, fabrication and experience in hydraulic applications. ESTE will work on Electronic design – Hardware & Software- and ECU production while FBK on Diagnostics and Prognostics. Fraunhofer will act as a Technology provider for a thinner and flexible sensor and Acciona will be involved for the Commercial Vehicle application.

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