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Bosch Rexroth at the SPS IPC Drives

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Are you looking for automation solutions that increase your efficiency and flexibility; from the engineering phase right through to production? Could you benefit from open systems that allow vertical and horizontal data flow in your production?

Then visit us from November 26th to 28th at the SPS IPC Drives in Nuremberg, Booth 450 in Hall 7.

There you can experience what efficient engineering and future-proof automation could do for you. Our unique Open Core Engineering solution – the 2013 HERMES AWARD winner – connects the PLC and IT worlds to open up a previously unimagined degree of software engineering freedom.

Experience the power of Open Core Engineering and our other revolutionary products – your connection to unprecedented productivity and security for the future.

Open Core Engineering

Open Core Engineering bundles all software tools required for efficient engineering. Pre-programmed function toolkits of the system solution IndraMotion transform our application know-how into function-specific software.
Your benefit: You get the end results you need in less time.

Example of software modularization: The Generic Application Template (GAT) accelerates the creation and linking of software modules to form complete automation solutions.

Open Core Engineering also allows you to realize individual machine functions with real-time access via high-level programming languages used in the IT world. To this end, we opened the control kernel for enhanced access and developed a new interface technology. This also considerably reduces the complexity associated with operating and diagnosing machines, since you can now integrate smartphones and tablet PCs into your concepts. Simply create application for smart devices on the respective target platform and access the control system wirelessly and with all the operating functions of these devices.

IndraControl XM

Machine manufacturers can achieve shorter cycle periods and higher process quality by integrating more functions into their control software. The need for real-time signal processing and the increasing integration of PLC and IT technology puts greater demands on controlling mechanism computer capacities. Rexroth’s new IndraControl XM platform meets all these demand.

The IndraControl XM-line’s controller-based controls are based on Intel ATOM processors and cover medium to high outputs. They can be combined with the rapid real-time l/O-system IndraControl S20 that makes update-sequences of less than 6 µs possible – for up to 256 l/O.

The connection with the Sercos open automation bus future-proofs the application and ensures greater performance and productivity even on complex tasks with short cycle rates.

IndraControl V

he importance of communication between humans and machines (HMI) is growing with the increase in the software content in engineering. The design and simplicity of the user interface is an important differentiating factor for machine manufacturers, as it determines the amount of training required and the end user acceptance rate

With this new generation of operator devices, Rexroth brings the advantages of gesture control that we know from smart phones and tablets over to automation and simplifies the implementation with a single software tool.

IndraDrive ML

The finely graded Large Electric Drives program expands Rexroth’s proven IndraDrive range to 110 kW to 4 MW. Users can now take advantage of the many opportunities to achieve greater energy efficiency even at very high usage. The built-in Safety on Board security features in the drives ensure the optimal protection of both man and machine. The intelligent drives also decentrally regulate multi-axial tasks, thus relieving the controller. These drives are ideal for numerous applications including materials handling, forming and plastics engineering and metallurgy.

IndraDrive Mi

The complete modularization of machine concepts often encounters practical obstacles. Machine manufacturers have typically used centralized solutions, especially where machine safety is concerned. With the decentralized IndraDrive Mi drive technology, Rexroth clears away the obstacles. The advanced IndraDrive Mi control cabinet drives provide certified functions for safe motion in the form of SafeMotion and Safe Torque Off – with and without an encoder signal. IndraDrive Mi uses the CIP Safety standard on Sercos for the log backup. All these features, along with the multi-ethernet interface for all common protocols on a single hardware drive, increases the modular potential of IndraDrive Mi.

[info] http://www.boschrexroth.com/ [/info]

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