At the end of 2019, we introduced the CODESYS Automation Server for managing CODESYS-compatible controllers. The Industry 4.0 platform instantly brought simplifications to everyday tasks, such as the central rollout of PLC applications and their updates. Many users are enthusiastic about the cloud-based server architecture.
In close exchange with users and through our own experience, we have identified a number of features that further increase the user value of the CODESYS Automation Server. Here is an overview of the most important newly implemented functions:
- Display of web visualizations of integrated controllers from external networks via secured infrastructure
- Remote maintenance of controllers and their applications via secured communication
- Extended user administration with rights management for access to controllers, visualizations, data recording and analysis, etc.
- Simplified overview of connected controllers in compact list view in addition to tile and topology view
- Increased security when logging in through two-factor authentication
- Additional access protection through support of user management on the controller
- Simplified multiple licensing of controllers or add-on functions on controllers
- Use of the CODESYS Automation Server with remote Git repositories
With the new functions, CODESYS Automation Server users manage their controllers even more conveniently and perform everyday tasks much more effectively.