Portada » CODESYS: New features and add-on products for the SPS/IPC/Drives 2013

CODESYS: New features and add-on products for the SPS/IPC/Drives 2013

by admin

3S-Smart Software Solutions GmbH is presenting Service Pack 4 of CODESYS V3.5 on the sps ipc drives 2013 with numerous new features and add-on products.

The market leading IEC 61131-3 automation software CODESYS from 3S-Smart Software Solutions is again offering numerous innovations with Service Pack 4. This service pack as well as various new CODESYS add-on products is the focus of this year’s trade show appearance on the sps ipc drives.

One emphasis is the three certified safety products. For example, the integrated SIL3 product CODESYS Safety now supports PROFINET with a GSDML converter as well as FailSafe-over-EtherCAT (FSoE) with its own stack. In addition, CODESYS Safety SIL2 has been expanded by a CANopen-safety configurator and supports CANopen safety slaves.

With the CODESYS Test Manager, users can automatically perform applications and unit tests within the IEC 61131-3 code. Class and state machine diagrams can be created integrated with the new plug-in CODESYS UML. CODESYS Static Analysis, an add-on tool for the statistic analysis of application code, is available in a significantly expanded version. These products as well as numerous new libraries and examples are available in the CODESYS Store.

With integrated configurators and its own protocol stacks in the form of CODESYS libraries the CODESYS Development System now supports IEC 61850 and EtherNet/IP. External stacks are supported, but no longer required for use. With CODESYS SoftMotion Light the optional motion control is supplemented by a simplified variant for regulated CANopen DS402 drives. With respect to the CODESYS Runtime System, 64-bit systems will be supported by the end of the year, first under Windows.

The new Service Pack will be officially released at the beginning of December. All the new features will be demonstrated live at the CODESYS booth No. 530 in Hall 7.


[info] http://www.codesys.com/ [/info]

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