Portada » Communication processor securely connects Simatic S7-1500 to Ethernet

Communication processor securely connects Simatic S7-1500 to Ethernet

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The Simatic CP 1543-1 communication processor from the Siemens Industry Automation Divisionsecurely connects the Simatic S7-1500 controller to Ethernet networks. By combining a variety ofsecurity features such as an SPI (Stateful Packet Inspection) firewall, password requests and dataencryption protocols such as FTPS and SNMPv3, the new communication module protectsindividual S7-1500 stations or even entire automation cells against unauthorized access. Thisallows the PLC to communicate with higher-level control systems or industrial IT applications via asecure Ethernet connection.

The administrator can regulate access to the Simatic S7-1500 bymeans of detailed firewall rules in CP 1543-1. The new communication processor also enablesdata transmission using the FTP/FTPS protocol. Furthermore, the module supports the IPv6protocol, open communication via TCP and UDP as well as S7 communication. TIA Portal Version12 is used for configuring all functions. The communication processor makes its diagnosticinformation available to the S7-1500 controller; the user can then view and analyze this informationvia the front display by means of the TIA Portal or the S7-1500 web server.

The Simatic CP 1543-1 has an RJ45 connector for establishing connections to Industrial Ethernetnetworks. Data can be transmitted using the full or half duplex process in bandwidths of 10, 100and 1000 Mbit/s. The communication processor also ensures consistent time synchronization inthe NTP (Network Time Protocol) process within the connected S7 station. Among other things,this can help identify protocols, error messages or synchronization problems within the network.

[info] www.siemens.com/simatic-net [/info]

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