Portada » Contrinex RFID Extreme

Contrinex RFID Extreme

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The Extreme family of metal, low-frequency components is particularly suitable for use in harsh environments, such as the steel industry, agriculture and other outdoor applications. It comprises stainless-steel (V2A/AISI 304) passive tags and threaded RWMs that utilize proprietary LF data communication (31.25 kHz). All components are insensitive to dirt and designed for outstanding performance in metallic environments. If the ContriNET protocol is used, these LF components can share one network with HF types, including the full range of interfaces.

LF Extreme tags are readable/writable through metal and available in diameters of 10 mm, 16 mm, 26 mm, M16 and M30. Mounting is fully embeddable, including in metal, and maximum read/write distances when used with Extreme M30 RWMs range from 4 mm to 13 mm. Housings have an IP68 enclosure rating and are temperature resistant from −40…+95°C (−40 to +203°F). In addition, a non-embeddable M30 type is also available with a maximum read/write distance of 12 mm and an IP68 & IP69K enclosure rating. LF Extreme RWMs are non-embeddable and, when used with a 26 mm Extreme tag, offer maximum read/write distances of 12 mm for the M18 type and 13 mm for the M30 type. They have an IP68 & IP69K enclosure rating.

Key advantages

  • Non-standard LF technology (proprietary data communication, 31.25 kHz)
  • Stainless-steel (V2A/AISI 304) passive tags and
  • threaded RWMs
  • Suitable for use in harsh environments, such as the steel industry, agriculture and other outdoor applications
  • If the ContriNET protocol is used, LF Extreme components can share one network with HF types, including the full range of interfaces.
  • Insensitive to dirt
  • Outstanding performance in metallic environments
  • Tags readable/writable through metal
  • Tags fully embeddable, including in metal
  • Temperature resistant from −40…+95°C (−40 to +203°F)
  • Enclosure rating up to IP68 & IP69K

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