Portada » Contrinex Smart sensors prevent failures in machines

Contrinex Smart sensors prevent failures in machines

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Whether in machine tools, robotics or rail transport: applications with rotating elements are at risk of bearing damage at any time. Smart sensors from Contrinex detect changes to shafts and axles before expensive failures occur. This means that countermeasures can be taken in good time.

Contrinex smart sensors combine multiple sensing modes in a single device and can therefore monitor both process and event data. In addition to oscillations and vibrations – using direct or indirect measurement methods – the sensors also measure the temperature and the position of shafts and axes in real time. The high-resolution multimode measurement can be used to record, among other things, the axial distance and lateral position of rotating elements. Because the sensor is exceptionally sensitive, it also detects irregular features such as: B. Holes in an object.

Smart sensors from Contrinex are built into a metal housing and have a unique sensor ID – which means they can be easily and error-free integrated into the application. The IO-Link smart profile used also enables the sensors to be easily integrated into control systems. Another advantage of the smart sensors from Contrinex are the individually configurable outputs: This allows the spare parts inventory to be significantly optimized.

Thanks to localized D2D (device-to-device) process logic, the smart sensors can also communicate with each other without detouring via the core network or a base station, enabling decentralized sensor-based decisions. The extraordinary reliability of the smart sensors allows the devices to be used even in applications that are difficult to access, such as wind turbines, railway wagons or oil rigs.

Contrinex has developed the PocketCodr for easy commissioning of its smart sensors. With it, any IO-Link-capable sensor can be quickly configured, even without IT knowledge.

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