Portada » Eck­el­mann pre­sents an EuroBLECH 2012

Eck­el­mann pre­sents an EuroBLECH 2012

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Eck­el­mann pre­sents an in­no­va­tive Plas­ma Bev­el-Cut­ting Ag­gre­gate at the eu­roB­LECH 2012. The de­vice with fixed Tool-Cen­ter-Point can be added to any ma­chine gantry.

With the Eck­el­mann CNC for cut­ting ma­chines, this ro­bust unit im­press­es with its pre­ci­sion and dy­nam­ics. High­ly dy­nam­ic tool track­ing and cor­rec­tion are pos­si­ble with­out high-per­for­mance drive en­gi­neer­ing for the gantry sys­tem.

As ex­pert in au­toma­tion of cut­ting ma­chines Eck­el­mann of­fers one-stop CNC com­plete so­lu­tions: from drive tech­nol­o­gy and CNC via in­dus­tri­al PC-based HMI through to MES in­te­gra­tion. Plas­ma, oxy-fu­el, laser and wa­ter­jet cut­ting ma­chines are an ap­pli­ca­tion fo­cus of the CNC de­vel­oped and pro­duced by Eck­el­mann.

Eck­el­mann at the Eu­roB­LECH 2012
23.10. – 27.10.2012, Hanover
Hall 11, Booth G 31[/info]


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