Portada » Eckelmann will present at SPS/IPC/Drives New gen­er­a­tion con­trollers

Eckelmann will present at SPS/IPC/Drives New gen­er­a­tion con­trollers

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Eck­el­mann AG and Fer­ro­con­trol will show their ex­ten­sive prod­uct range of drive and con­trol tech­nol­o­gy for au­tomat­ing ma­chines and fa­cil­i­ties at SPS/IPC Drives 2012 (Hall 7, Booth 320): from con­trollers and I/O mod­ules through ser­vo drive con­trollers and mo­tors all the way to IPCs and mod­ern de­vel­op­ment tools and meth­ods.

Eck­el­mann will pre­sent the con­troller E°EXC 88 as a spe­cial new prod­uct. This new gen­er­a­tion of con­trollers for PLC, mo­tion, and CNC ap­pli­ca­tions is im­pres­sive due to its small di­men­sions, low pow­er con­sump­tion, and the large in­struc­tion set of the CNC ker­nel. Eck­el­mann CNC con­trollers have al­ways stood out for their va­ri­ety of tech­nol­o­gy-spe­cif­ic func­tions which en­sure that the most var­ied tech­nolo­gies from cylin­dri­cal grind­ing to flame cut­ting are op­ti­mal­ly sup­port­ed. The CNC ker­nel will be con­tin­u­al­ly im­proved. Through cus­tomer-spe­cif­ic adap­tions prac­ti­cal­ly any ap­pli­ca­tion is pos­si­ble. Mo­tion func­tion­al­i­ties ac­cord­ing to PLCopen are seam­less­ly in­te­grat­ed with the CNC func­tions, and all ax­es can be used op­tion­al­ly as CNC or mo­tion ax­es. With E°Tools Pro there is a pow­er­ful en­gi­neer­ing tool avail­able for plan­ning and pro­gram­ming com­plete au­toma­tion so­lu­tions based on the E°EXC 88 sys­tem fam­i­ly. It serves as a sin­gle point of en­gi­neer­ing.

And yet de­vel­op­ment did not stand still for the E°EXC 66 con­troller gen­er­a­tion ei­ther. In ad­di­tion to Ser­cos III the con­troller now al­so sup­ports Ether­CAT for in­te­grat­ing drive tech­nol­o­gy. A Hexa­pod-Demon­stra­tor at the booth will pro­vide im­pres­sive proof that the E°EXC 66 con­trols dy­nam­i­cal­ly and with great pre­ci­sion even the more un­usu­al kine­mat­ics. In ad­di­tion, the E°EXC 66 is avail­able im­me­di­ate­ly in an ex­port ver­sion with 4 in­ter­po­lat­ing ax­es for si­mul­ta­ne­ous con­tour­ing con­trol. The con­troller thus does not re­quire a per­mit ac­cord­ing to the Eu­ro­pean/Ger­man ex­port list (ex­port list cat­e­go­ry 2D002). A to­tal of 8 ax­es are avail­able, en­abling the con­trol of an ad­di­tion­al, for ex­am­ple, 4 aux­il­iary ax­es or 4 gantry ax­es on ma­chine por­tals.

Fer­ro­con­trol em­pha­sizes safe and en­er­gy-ef­fi­cient drive tech­nol­o­gy. The safe­ty mod­ule E°Darc SCM of­fers a va­ri­ety of cer­ti­fied safe­ty func­tions (up to SIL 3 and PL e). De­mand­ing and ex­treme­ly fast drive-in­te­grat­ed safe­ty func­tions are thus re­al­ized with the drive con­troller E°Darc. Set­up takes place via the safe ed­i­tor in E°Tools Light. The safe­ty mod­ule has 5 safe in­puts and 2 safe out­puts that can be used freely for safe­ty func­tions.

In ad­di­tion, Fer­ro­con­trol will pre­sent an in­no­va­tive buffer mod­ule with a stor­age ca­pac­i­ty of 8 mF and max. 1.25 kWs us­able en­er­gy. The dy­nam­ic en­er­gy stor­age de­vice stores valu­able brak­ing en­er­gy in the D.C. link and thus makes es­pe­cial­ly ap­pli­ca­tions with short cy­cle times or fast start-stop ap­pli­ca­tions sig­nif­i­cant­ly more en­er­gy ef­fi­cient. Po­ten­tial en­er­gy sav­ings can be cal­cu­lat­ed with the brak­ing en­er­gy cal­cu­la­tor from Fer­ro­con­trol.

De­tailed in­for­ma­tion on spe­cif­ic new prod­ucts at SPS/IPC Drives:

E°EXC 88 – Large in­struc­tion set in CNC ker­nel, seam­less in­te­gra­tion of CNC and mo­tion, com­pact di­men­sions

The new con­troller E°EXC 88 will be on dis­play for the first time by Eck­el­mann as a spe­cial SPS/IPC Drives trade show high­light. The com­pact DIN rail con­troller is im­pres­sive due to the large in­struc­tion set of the CNC ker­nel, seam­less in­te­gra­tion of CNC and mo­tion func­tion­al­i­ties in the con­troller, as well as low pow­er con­sump­tion. There are a va­ri­ety of tech­nol­o­gy-spe­cif­ic func­tions which en­sure that the most var­ied pro­cess­ing tech­nolo­gies from cylin­dri­cal grind­ing to flame cut­ting are op­ti­mal­ly sup­port­ed. The CNC ker­nel will be con­tin­u­al­ly im­proved. Through cus­tomer-spe­cif­ic adap­tions prac­ti­cal­ly any ap­pli­ca­tion is pos­si­ble. The seam­less in­te­gra­tion of CNC and mo­tion func­tion­al­i­ties ac­cord­ing to PLCopen al­lows ad­di­tion­al han­dling ax­es to be op­er­at­ed very eas­i­ly in ad­di­tion to the CNC and the op­ti­mal tech­nol­o­gy to be se­lect­ed, de­pend­ing on the task, that is, ei­ther CNC or mo­tion, or both com­bined.

As field­bus­es for con­nect­ing I/Os and drive tech­nol­o­gy the E°EXC 88 sup­ports Ser­cos III, Ether­CAT and CANopen; for drives, CAN is avail­able via an op­tion­al plu­g­in mod­ule. For mod­ern Eth­er­net-based au­toma­tion it is pos­si­ble to draw on the ex­treme­ly fast and ro­bust re­al-time I/O sys­tem XBM from Eck­el­mann. With an up­date time of < 1 µs the XBM mod­ules en­sure safe and fast da­ta trans­fer in com­plex ap­pli­ca­tions with high da­ta rates. The re­al-time I/O sys­tem is plugged di­rect­ly in­to the con­troller or can be run re­mote­ly via cor­re­spond­ing bus cou­plers. Thanks to a height of on­ly 54 mm the I/O mod­ules fit in­to low-pro­file ter­mi­nal box­es and are thus ide­al for op­er­at­ing re­mote­ly. In ad­di­tion to the time and there­fore cost sav­ings in in­stal­la­tion thanks to Push-In Ter­mi­nals, the high me­chan­i­cal ro­bust­ness and high EMV-in­ter­fer­ence re­sis­tance of the con­troller and I/O mod­ule al­so stand out as ex­cep­tion­al fea­tures. With E°Tools Pro an in­te­grat­ed tool li­brary is avail­able for the en­gi­neer­ing of au­toma­tion so­lu­tions us­ing E°EXC 88. E°Tools Pro can be used to plan, pro­gram, put in­to op­er­a­tion, and an­a­lyze all your drive and con­trol tech­nol­o­gy.

E°EXC 66 con­trols hexa­pod demon­stra­tor at booth

At SPS/IPC Drives the tried and true Eck­el­mann con­troller E°EXC 66 will con­trol a demon­stra­tor with hexa­pod kine­mat­ics. The con­troller not on­ly trans­forms the Carte­sian tool co­or­di­nates (tool cen­ter point) in­to ax­is co­or­di­nates, it al­so cal­cu­lates the ax­is move­ment back to move­ments of the tool cen­ter point. This func­tion is of­fered by on­ly a few man­u­fac­tur­ers. It en­ables ex­treme­ly pre­cise con­trol of par­al­lel kine­mat­ics de­pend­ing on ve­loc­i­ty. The E°EXC 66 sup­ports hexa­pod kine­mat­ics with ab­so­lute en­coders as well; thus pro­cess­ing can be con­tin­ued di­rect­ly af­ter a re­set or volt­age loss. In ad­di­tion to hexapods the E°EXC 66 al­so con­trols tri­pod ap­pli­ca­tions and hexaglide kine­mat­ics. For up­grad­ing the con­troller for par­al­lel kine­mat­ics Eck­el­mann us­es mod­ern meth­ods of vir­tu­al im­ple­men­ta­tion with MAT­LAB and hard­ware-in-the-loop sim­u­la­tion. The de­vel­op­ment time and there­fore time to mar­ket is there­by sig­nif­i­cant­ly re­duced.

[info]www.eckelmann.de [/info]

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