Portada » EMO Hannover 2025: Online registration now open

EMO Hannover 2025: Online registration now open

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Digital registration documents for EMO 2025 are currently being sent out. The next event will take place in Hannover from 22 to 26 September 2025, when the world’s leading trade fair for production technology celebrates its 50th anniversary. “For half a century, EMO has been bringing together the right people at the right time in the right place. It will be the number one event for the international metalworking community in 2025,” says EMO General Chairman Karl-Martin Welcker.

Under EMO’s motto “Innovations in Manufacturing”, manufacturers of machines and components for metalworking are invited from all over the world to present their products, services and solutions to international experts. “EMO is and will remain an industry platform where companies can inspire their customers, expand their own networks and, of course, do business,” says Welcker, promoting the upcoming event. “Where else can manufacturers meet so many top-class trade visitors from more than 140 countries in just five days?” he asks rhetorically.

The early bird discount applies until October 15 this year. The price per square meter includes all services, such as visitor ticket, advertising materials, power connections from 3 to 130 kW, provision and consumption of electricity, water and compressed air, as well as the transportation of trade fair goods within the exhibition grounds. “This clearly distinguishes EMO from national and international competition,” emphasizes Martin Goebel, fair director at VDW (Association of German Machine Tool Shops), which organizes EMO. Welcker concludes: “Attending EMO is a must for all international major players in metal processing, as the list of participating companies is like a who’s who of the industry.”

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