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Eplan Forum 2024 Preparing Engineering for the Future

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Digital transformation is in full swing, and this also applies to engineering. It’s good for experts to network worldwide. That’s exactly what the Eplan Forum offers. The Eplan Forum is a hybrid event taking place in Cologne in September, focusing in particular on topics such as automation engineering, machine wiring and the integration of ERP and PDM systems.

International companies will personally present their real-life experiences with Eplan software, offering valuable insights and assistance to other stakeholders who want to get the most out of their processes, from top management to experienced Eplan users.

After welcoming more than 300 guests online and on-site last year, the solution provider Eplan is once again focusing on the theme “Transforming Engineering”. The Eplan Forum 2024 (formerly EF|A) will invite stakeholders from all over the world to a high-profile knowledge exchange event. Attendees can expect numerous live, practical reports from companies such as Bender Solutions (DE), Kaeser Kompressoren (DE), Red Eléctrica de España (ES), PMS Elektro- und Automationstechnik (AT), Rockwell Automation (USA), TK Elevator (ES), Winkler+Dünnebier (DE), and others.

Harold van Waardenburg, Director Vertical Market Management at Eplan, explains: “The Eplan Forum is the premium event for the full automation of engineering processes. More and more companies are focusing on eliminating manual steps and increasing automation in engineering. They are moving to the ‘next level’, so to speak, in their automation engineering processes.” Automation and machine cabling with precise cable lengths for plug-and-play use, all based on the digital twin, are just some of the central topics. A two-day hybrid event with participants from all over the world.

Focus on proven strategies to achieve the highest possible degree of automation in engineering. But how can this be achieved? Standardization is essential for this, but there are also other methods and approaches, depending on the specific requirements of the company. For example, a targeted integration of Eplan data into ERP and PDM systems can unlock a lot of potential. In fact, the question “How can engineering and subsequent processes be optimized in a future-oriented way?” is probably being asked in almost every company today.

Taking a deep dive into practical experience

International speakers from Eplan’s clientele will be sharing their very practical experiences and will be taking attendees along on their own journeys to more efficiency in engineering:

  • Red Eléctrica de España: Ensuring a continuous national electricity supply – via parametric engineering for protection and control
  • Bender Solutions: Securing the supply of electricity – via systematic variants for customised customer solutions in record time
  • TK Elevator: Riding elevators to the top of the market – via global standardisation and automation
  • Rockwell Automation: Internationally positioned – via variant management and automation in engineering
  • Kaeser Kompressoren: From engineering into manufacturing – via Eplan-SAP integration
  • PMS Elektro- und Automationstechnik: Economically designing plant system engineering projects
  • Winkler+Dünnebier / Hahn Automation: Electrification of production lines – via the digital twin

More info EPLAN Forum 2024

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