Portada » EuroBLECH 2012: Exhibitors highly satisfied

EuroBLECH 2012: Exhibitors highly satisfied

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After five successful exhibition days at the Hanover exhibition grounds,  EuroBLECH 2012, the 22nd International Sheet Metal Working  Technology Exhibition, closed its doors on Saturday, 27 October 2012.  On a net exhibition space of 84,000 square metres, a total of 1,520  exhibitors from 39 countries presented a top-class range of innovative  products for the complete sheet metal working chain. With 60,500 trade  visitors from all over the world, the number of visitors at EuroBLECH  2012 equals the visitor number of the previous exhibition, while the  number of exhibitors at this year’s show had grown by 5% and the floor  space by 7%.

The first analysis of the visitor survey showed a significant shift towards  highly qualified trade visitors. Some 75% of the visitors came from the  industry, and the percentage of visitors from companies with more than  500 employees has increased by 20%. There were, once again, more  visitors from the top management, and 40% of all visitors came to  EuroBLECH 2012 with the definite intention of buying.

“A first analysis of the exhibitor survey shows that exhibiting companies  were highly satisfied with the outcome of the exhibition, even though the  current economic situation remains uncertain. However, German  exhibitors assessed the business climate as much more favourable than  companies from outside Germany,” says Nicola Hamann, Exhibition  Director EuroBLECH, on behalf of the organisers, Mack Brooks Exhibitions.

The exhibitor survey shows that the main reason for exhibiting at  EuroBLECH 2012 was to approach new markets, attracting new  customers and product presentation; and exhibiting companies have  achieved these objectives. Against the background of the prevailing  business climate, they were extremely positive about their participation  at the show. EuroBLECH 2012 received excellent values from exhibitors  and visitors alike, in particular for the large number of innovations  presented at the show and for its high internationality.

Almost half of the exhibitors (48%) and 36% of the visitors at this year’s  EuroBLECH came from outside Germany. Most important exhibitor  countries, after Germany, were Italy, Turkey, China, the Netherlands,  Switzerland, Austria, France and the USA. Top visitor countries from outside Germany were Austria, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland,  Great Britain, Italy, Denmark, the Czech Republic, Poland and India.

Some 70% of the exhibitors have indicated on site that they intended to  exhibit again at the next exhibition. EuroBLECH 2014 will take place  from 21 – 25 October 2014 at the Hanover exhibition grounds.

Next year, Mack Brooks Exhibitions will organise, once again, dedicated  sheet metal working exhibitions in selected growth markets. BLECH  Russia 2013 will be held from 12 – 14 March 2013 in St. Petersburg;  BLECH India 2013, from 17- 20 April 2013 in Mumbai and BLECH China  2013, from 14 – 16 May 2013 in Suzhou.

[info]www.euroblech.com [/info]

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