Portada » Fanuc RoboGuide Programming Call, Jump, Label and If/Then

Fanuc RoboGuide Programming Call, Jump, Label and If/Then

by admin

Calling Programs: Allows the operator to create Main Program that can run (Call) other programs. This reduces down the lines of code an operator needs to look at when troubleshooting the workcell

Label/Jump Commands: Labels can be placed in the program where the operator can Jump to that Label based on conditional statements received from input, output or sensors. In order to Jump to a specific part of the program the operator needs to set a Label [#]. It is recommended to add a remark/comment to identify the label number. NOTE: It is not possible to jump between programs.

Conditional Statements are If/Then statements that will make a comparison between two values (= , <, >, <=, >=, <> (not equal) if the statement is TRUE then the program will execute the next line of code, If the condition statement is false the program will ignore the next line of command.

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