Portada » Fanuc Robotic Arm: File Manipulation: Copy, Delete, File Backup

Fanuc Robotic Arm: File Manipulation: Copy, Delete, File Backup

by admin

It is important to take Backup of Files and System. In case of power or mechanical failure. Fanuc Robots do have battery backup power when turned off to retain mastering data and encoder data of the joints. If the batteries wear down then the master data will be lost and the operator will have to reteach the robot the locations of the joints and frames (including World Frame)

Types of Backup

Image Backup: Saves all files including the robot operating system, all programs, and all stored data values. Recommended to create an image backup periodically so when the robot has maintenance, repaired or has a failure the robot can be set back up to specific known point. Similar to setting a device back to Factory Settings

File Backup: Saves just the User created files including TP, Vision and associated data points. This is important to have archived versions of programs in case a program is changed accidently or intentionally by the operator or another operator the backup can be reinstalled without having to rewrite a program

Fanuc Controllers have three types of memory

  • Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM): Space is utilized for system software, controller operations and a small amount of temporary memory space. NOTE: No battery backup, stored values will not retain their values
  • Static/Random Access Memory (SRAM): Space utilized for hold Teach Programs (.tp), stored value points (i.e. Frames, including World) and system variables. SRAM uses battery backup when the robot is turned off. If the batteries wear out then all stored data points will be lost, including World Frame Location and will need to be remastered or retaught where those points are located.
  • Flash Programmable Read Only Memory (F-ROM): Utilized to permanently store values and system software whether the robot is powered on/off or if the batteries are charged or not charged.

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