Portada » Fanuc Robotic Arm: Gripper and Robot I/O

Fanuc Robotic Arm: Gripper and Robot I/O

by admin

FANUC Robot Inputs and Outputs are electrical signals that enable the controller to communicate with the robot, end of arm tooling, and other extranal devices such as PLC, HMI’s, Sensors and acuators. When setup properly the operator can have an operation setup that is
fully automated and is not relient on using time (seconds, minutes) etc. to activate the different process.

Outputs: can be Turend off/on or set to a value
Inputs: can ve read, their values stroed or decisions (If Statements) made based on the data

Major Types of I/O

Digital: Represented DI[] or DO[]. Digital has two states On or Off (i.e. Light Switch)

Analog: Represented AI[] or AO[]. Analog allows for a range of follows to based on the voltage output to be read (i.e. Light Dimmer Switch, Thermoter, etc.)

Robot: RI[] or RO[]. Robot I/o allows for signals between the controller and the robot to be read (i.e. Controlling the End of Arm

Tooling (EOT), like a gripper. Number of Input/Outputs depending on the robot

Other Types of I/O

Group: Allows the operator to group upto 16 digital signals into one variable (similar to a programming array). Signals are represented in binary with 0’s and 1’s

User Operator Panel I/O: Allows for 18 inputs and 20 output signals to be connected to remote devices

Standard Operator Panel I/O: Internal Controller Signals. The operator cannot change these but can be useful to observe if there are any faults being created within the system.

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