Portada ยป Fanuc Robotic Arm: Tool Frames

Fanuc Robotic Arm: Tool Frames

by admin

Allows the user to set an origin point within a 3-Dimensional Cartesian Coordinate System for Linear Axis X, Y and Z, along with Rotational Axis Awl (W), Pitch (P), Roll (R) on the robot, workpiece, workcell, tool, etc. Cartesian System sets three planes at Right Angles to each other (XY, XZ, YZ), these planes are called frames, allowing for easier navigation within programs by adjusting the frame type instead of modifying all points.

FAUC Types of Frames

World Frames: Default Frame used to describe the location and orientation of the Tool Center Point (TCP). Origin Location of TCP is the center of the Tool Plate (No End Effector Attached) and the Robot IS located on the Centerline of J1 Axis and the intersection of J2 Vertical Centerline. World Frame is not editable by the user.

Tool Frame: Describes the orientation of the physical tool. Operator can set a tool offset length for the tip of the end effector. By default the Tool Frame is set to the Tool Center Point (TCP) Plate. This makes the work easier since the coordinate values in relation to World is set to the tip of the tooling and not the Tool Plate

User Frames: Allows the operator to setup a new origin of any location and orientation. This makes it easier to for the operator to check distances based on an object, fixture, or jig and not the World Frame Coordinate System that is based on the Robotic Arm. Note: if no User Frame is declared then default User Frame will be World Frame

Jog Frames: Allows the user to setup directional movements along a part when the orientation of the part differs from the World Frame

Cell Frames: Advanced setup for large workcells that incorporate the Robot and one or multiple machining/handling operations.

Tool Frame 3 Point Measure Method:

Used when the operator cannot accurately measure the end effector to the Tool Plate. The length of the tool is taught by taking measurements from a single point in space from three different directions.

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