Portada » Flender introduces Fastex clamping elements for the shaft-hub connection

Flender introduces Fastex clamping elements for the shaft-hub connection

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Flender is expanding the portfolio in the field of industrial couplings by introducing clamping elements for the connection of shaft and hub. Under the name Fastex, the new series ensures a frictional connection and thus an efficient transmission of torque and power. Shaft-hub connections are found in almost every industrial application. The Fastex clamping elements are heavy-duty, compact and backlashfree and are also characterized by their high serviceability. In addition to the classic connection via feather key, they offer another option which can provide advantages for the user depending on the specification of the application.

The fast and effective connection option for shafts and hubs further increases the combination variety and flexibility of the Flender coupling portfolio. Compared to feather key connections, clamping elements have a higher power density and realize a safe and reliable transmission of torques, axial forces and bending moments. Therefore, the clamping elements and the connecting components can be dimensioned in a more compact way, so that material savings and simpler handling due to the use of non-keyed shafts increase the economic efficiency.

The simple design of the clamping elements allows fast assembly and disassembly. One or more conical pressure rings are pushed onto a conical pressure sleeve using clamping screws. The resulting radial expansion generates radial forces inwards and outwards at the contact surfaces, ensuring frictional locking between the parts involved in the transmission of torque and forces. Thanks to this principle, clamping elements are one of the simplest shaft-hub connections. A distinction is made between internal and external clamping sets, which can be self-centering or nonself-centering. Flender currently offers ten different types of internal clamping sets and two types of external clamping sets.

“With the introduction of the new Fastex clamping elements, we are reinforcing our reputation as the supplier with the most comprehensive, integrated portfolio of couplings and connecting elements for industrial drives. Our customers require the highest reliability and quality for their equipment and applications. The Fastex clamping elements offer them the usual Flender premium quality for shaft-hub
connections,” says André Artmann, Head of Flender Coupling Sales.

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