Portada » IndraControl XM – Increased computing power for future needs

IndraControl XM – Increased computing power for future needs

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Modular machine concepts with increased productivity require a scalable and increasingly powerful control hardware in order to shift even more features to the software. The new IndraControl XM device platform by Rexroth provides the greater computational power that is necessary for this purpose. In addition, the high computational capacity supports the real-time processing of complex processes and the networking of machines with the IT world.

The new controller-based IndraControl XM control units with Intel ATOM processors cover the medium to high output ranges. They can be combined with the IndraControl S20 fast, real-time I/O system, which enables update times of less than 6 µs – for up to 256 I/O. This increases the power reserves for complex motion sequences and short cycle times. The real-time communication accepts the Sercos automation bus. This open standard supported by many manufacturers further increases security for the future.

Bosch Rexroth has integrated a Gigabit Ethernet interface specifically for networking with superior IT systems and HMI devices. It also transfers large amounts of data with a high bandwidth. A USB device interface for engineering also ensures maximum IT security.

Machinery manufacturers can easily extend the range of functions of the control units on-site via add-on modules. As a result, the safety module complements the IndraControl XM with the integrated SafeLogic safety control. With other modules, users simply connect heterogeneous peripheral devices over additional field bus interfaces. The control hardware supports the Rexroth motion logic systems and also depicts the unique characteristics of fluid technology. This allows users to easily and inexpensively implement even highly dynamic control systems with hydraulic components.

[info] www.boschrexroth.com [/info]

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