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Industrial Design awards for Siemens

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Siemens Industry Automation Division has won the iF product design award 2013 for three new products: the Simatic S7-1500 controller, Sirius function relays, and the Simatic ET200SP distributed periphery. The SimaticS7-1500 controller focuses on performance and usability, while the Sirius function relays combine automation, handling, and cost-efficiency.

Three newproducts from the Siemens IndustryAutomation Division have been selectedto receive the coveted iF productdesign award 2013. Alongside thenew Simatic S7-1500 controller,awards also went to the Sirius functionrelays and the distributed peripherySimatic ET200SP. Simogeargeared motors from the Drive TechnologiesDivision were also amongthe award winners.

The Industrial Design of the SimaticS7-1500 controller focuses on performanceas well as on optimum usability.All components of the system aredesigned in an integrated way despitetheir varying functions. The numerousinterface and display elements are arrangedvertically to mirror the pin assignment.The high-end surface treatmentof the curved front capemphasizes the quality of the device, especially when mounted in a cabinet.Another characteristic elementof the design concept is the “shark’sfin” used to open the front flap.

The new housing concept adoptedfor the Sirius function relays combinesnew functions, a high level ofautomation capability and improvedhandling with cost-efficient manufacturing.

The aim of the new Industrial Designwas to integrate the various versionsin just one housing concept with auniform appearance. A clear surfacetreatment, reduced details as well asthe terminal arrangement and the legibleproduct graphics provide bestusability. The manufacturing processis optimized by the use of technicalinnovations such as laser-cuthousing variants and special fontsfor laser etching.

The distinctive feature of the SimaticET200SP distributed periphery is itssmall module size, which permits optimumutilization of limited control cabinetspace. All Industrial Design details– such as the top surface withits cooling slots and the unlockingelements or the module lettering featuringminimal font size – have beenespecially aligned by Industrial Design.Here too, a common feature ofthe Industrial Design is a curved surfacewhich creates a uniform andunique visual appearance whenmounted in the control cabinet.

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