Portada » Intelligent Safety, Fully Integrated or Stand-alone

Intelligent Safety, Fully Integrated or Stand-alone

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Unlike conventional, hard-wired Safety circuits, the modular S-DIAS Safety system is fully configurable and highly flexible. It can be seamlessly integrated into the Salzburg manufacturer’s automation system, but can also be used as a stand-alone component with third-party systems.

Within SIGMATEK systems, standard and Safety-relevant data are transmitted via the same bus – real-time Ethernet VARAN. When used as a stand-alone solution, any standard control can be freely configured to receive states via CAN bus. The expensive double wiring, as in an integrated solution or classic Safety circuits with relays, is thereby eliminated.

The broad selection of modular Safety components in the S-DIAS format contains the Safety controller, Safety I/Os and drives with Safety functions. This allows the Safety solution to be customized to the Safety-relevant application. The especially thin construction enables the use of the flexible Safety solution in smart machines and systems with optional modules. S-DIAS Safety is also ideal for mobile applications, since data can be transmitted via cable or wirelessly.

For programming and configuring the Safety system, the LASAL SAFETYDesigner provides a comfortable and efficient tool that can meet the requirements up to SIL CL 3 (in accordance with EN 62061) and PL e, Cat. 4 (in compliance with EN ISO 13849-1/-2). The SAFETYDesigner is seamlessly integrated into the object-oriented engineering environment LASAL, but can also be used as a stand-alone solution with any PLC.

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