Portada ยป IO-Link solutions from wenglor for industrial communication

IO-Link solutions from wenglor for industrial communication

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Wenglor has broadened its offerings in connection and network technology by introducing new IO-Link masters, IO-Link hubs, and an IO-Link converter. The complete IO-Link system solution available offers customized industrial communication for sensors utilizing IO-Link. This allows for direct and interference-free communication between machines and control systems, facilitating the monitoring and optimization of process data. IO-Link represents quick data transmission, versatile customization, and seamless incorporation into current networks.

The IO-Link master serves as the central hub, allowing the IO-Link system architecture to facilitate two-way communication among sensors, actuators, and the control system. IO-Link sensors, digitally switching sensors, and sensors that provide analog output can be linked through the IO-Link master, which transforms the signals using an analog converter. Integration occurs through a single control input, irrespective of the manufacturer or sensor. The IO-Link master, offered in three versions, is also ready for IIoT due to its cloud connectivity and allows for remote monitoring of systems.

New IO-Link Hubs and IO-Link Adapter for Effective Connections

The IO-Link hubs capture digital switching signals and send them to the IO-Link master. The portfolio features two models with eight ports each and accommodates up to 16 digital inputs and outputs per hub, notable for decreasing control inputs and cutting down cabling needs. Using the IO-Link converter, analog input signals can be captured and transformed into digital IO-Link signals. This indicates that sensors featuring an analog interface can be incorporated into an IO-Link setting, allowing for the creation of mixed environments comprising devices with IO-Link, digital, and analog interfaces.

Reduction of Susceptibility to Errors due to Decentralized Structure

IO-Link uses unshielded standardized cables. This greatly simplifies installation, minimizes cabling and significantly reduces the susceptibility to errors. With the help of the IO-Link hubs, digital switching signals can be efficiently bundled and the effort further reduced.

The Highlights at a Glance:

  • Comprehensive IO-Link system solution consisting of IO-Link master, IO-Link hubs, IO-Link converters and IO-Link sensors
  • IO-Link masters provide fieldbus-independent access and cloud integration for Industry 4.0
  • IO-Link converter for integration of sensors with analog interface
  • IO-Link hubs for efficient connection of digitally switching sensors
  • Quick and easy configuration of sensor parameters with wTeach software

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