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Knowledge saves energy

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Energy is becoming increasingly sparse – and expensive – while global demand is simultaneously increasing. Above all, intelligent automation solutions help companies use energy in the most efficient and resource-saving way possible. Automation not only increases productivity, but also helps reduce operating costs and meet environmental protection goals. One of the prerequisites is that employees are aware of efficient energy use and have pertinent skills. Rexroth now offers training programs for companies specially tailored to this topic under the umbrella of the Drive & Control Academy.

If companies want to take full advantage of the efficiency potential of their machine systems, they have to see things in the big picture. Rexroth is an expert for electronics, hydraulics, mechanics, and pneumatics and understands every interaction between these technologies with precision. Based on this concept, the drive and control specialist developed its Rexroth 4EE (for Energy Efficiency) system. The approach allows companies to increase energy efficiency across all automation applications and types of machines. The continuing education offer from Rexroth for the trend of energy efficiency combines classic, digitalized, and real-life teaching and learning methods. Associates who take part learn the necessary basis knowledge and expertise through eLearning, classroom-based sessions, and training systems.

Basic knowledge via eLearning

eLearning – or independent, computer-based learning – presents numerous advantages: students are location and time independent, they can set their learning pace themselves, and can go back through the interactive curriculum as many times as wanted or needed. Within the framework of the new e4EE basic training, participants learn foundational knowledge about energy efficiency and get to know the Rexroth 4EE concept. After completing the course, they are then able to recognize characteristic starting points for thee energy-related optimization of a plant.

The e4EE Sytronix basic training course has now been added and covers energy efficiency potential for Sytronix variable speed pump drives from Rexroth. The contents include technical background and in-depth knowledge about valve and displacement control, demand control, and variable speed pump drives components as well as the parameters for selecting such a drive. That gives users project planning help for complete system design as well as knowledge in terms of operating cycles and energy recovery options.

Expertise in classroom-based courses

Technicians, service technicians, and engineers from the fields of project planning, commissioning, and plant maintenance can build on this foundational knowledge using various system training courses to explore the subject at a deeper level. The new training sessions for the Sytronix variable speed pump drives from Rexroth teach knowledge and skills for the design, commissioning, diagnosis, or repairs for variable speed pump drives. Through exercises, participants become familiar with the components of the system and gain an understanding of their functionality.

Systematic preparation for real-life situations

Rexroth’s modular design of training systems for use in training facilities, give both beginners and advanced learners practical knowledge in the fields of hydraulics, pneumatics, electric drive and control technology, mechatronics and automation. For example, the DS4 training system depicts the operating behavior of modern hydraulic switch mechanisms. For the tried-and-tested DS4, there is now a compact entry-level version that is only half as wide. It is available in two different pressure supplies: either with a conventional fixed displacement pump or with the energy-efficient, speed-controlled Sytronix FcP pump drive. This version not only saves energy costs, but can also illustrate the functionality of this energy-efficient system for training purposes.

[info] www.boschrexroth.com [/info]

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