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KUKA at the European Robotics Forum 2023

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t the most influential gathering of the European robotics community, the European Robotics Forum (ERF) in Denmark from March 14-16, KUKA will demonstrate with an award-winning application how robotics can support people in the medical field.

Arthritis examinations with robotics support: with this concept, the Danish company ROPCA won the KUKA Innovation Award 2022. Now they are pre-senting their winning concept in their home country at the European Robotics Forum together with KUKA.

ARTHUR, an ARTHritis ultrasound robot, consists of an automated ultrasound platform with a sensitive KUKA lightweight robot LBR Med for examining pa-tients with rheumatoid arthritis. The patient can interact directly with the platform. In this way, the doctor saves time when consulting the patient, as the ultrasound images for diagnosis are already available.

ROPCA’s vision is to develop a variety of robotic application platforms that help clinics increase the productivity and quality of their daily work. With this product, the team convinced the jury of the €20,000 innovation competition at the end of 2022.

About the European Robotics Forum

The European Robotics Forum is an event organized by the European robotics association euRobotics and is one of the most important meetings of the robotics community in Europe. In 2023, the network meeting will again take place in Odense, Denmark, the “birthplace” of euRobotics.

The ERF2023 covers all aspects and current topics around robotics. Research-ers, engineers, managers and a growing number of companies and repre-sentatives of public institutions from all over Europe will come together to discuss technology developments, market requirements and how to acceler-ate innovation in robotics and artificial intelligence.

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