Portada » MDA – World’s largest power transmission and control trade fair in full force

MDA – World’s largest power transmission and control trade fair in full force

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With well over 1,000 exhibitors, Motion, Drive & Automation (MDA) is one of the largest flagship fairs to be staged at the upcoming HANNOVER MESSE. The global electrical and mechanical drive engineering sector as well as pneumatics and hydraulics meet every two years in Hannover to present their latest products and explore the latest industry trends. Every major company will be represented at MDA from 8 to 12 April 2013. Due to construction underway in the northern section of the exhibition center, they are exhibiting at HANNOVER MESSE in halls 21, 22, 23, 24 and 25, and in the automation halls 15, 16 and 17.

Hall 17 has a particular role to play. This is where MDA exhibitors display automation technology solutions, forming the bridge between pure transmission and fluid engineering and the topics covered by the related Industrial Automation parts of the show. There are also strong synergies with the Wind trade fair being staged in neighboring Hall 27, and with MobiliTec. This flagship fair for hybrid and electric drive technologies, mobile energy storage and alternative mobility technologies is presented directly adjacent to MDA in Hall 25.

“MDA is the most important trade show in our industry due to its internationalilty and also the overall business context offered by HANNOVER MESSE. Transmission and fluid engineering companies will showcase their strong innovative role in mechanical engineering in the coming year,” says Robert Schullan, Chairman of the MDA steering committee and Chairman of the Board of Schaeffler Group.

[info] MDA – Motion, Drive & Automation[/info]


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