Portada » Motion Controller MC2 Highly Precise Movement of up to 8 Axes

Motion Controller MC2 Highly Precise Movement of up to 8 Axes

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The drive system MC2 by SIEB & MEYER can precisely control the motion tasks of up to eight axes in real-time. The multichannel system comprises the motion controller MC2, drive amplifiers of the series SD2x as well as the proprietary bus system SERVOLINK 4. With this combination, the highest accuracy up to the sub-µm range is available to the user.

The MC2 system by SIEB & MEYER is a solution for machine manufacturers who develop a PC-based application software and look for a well-proven system for the motion tasks. Thanks to the high synchronism, the capability for linear and circular interpolation, the gantry and gear functions as well as the internal resolution of up to 20 nm, the drive system is ideally suited to the field of PCB production

The communication between the motion controller MC2 and the customer’s PC is established via Ethernet based on the DNC-361 protocol. Using the provided documentation the customer can easily implement the protocol into his application software. Then, the various motion functions of the drive system MC2 are available in the application software

MC2 runs a real-time operating system that permits synchronous data transmission to up to eight drive amplifiers. This makes controlled spatial movement of the axes up to the sub-µm range possible. The used optical fiber connection ensures an extremely fail-safe data line. As an option, MC2 offers an EtherCAT master interface, which enables direct data exchange between MC2 and application unit, for example a direct imaging unit

The drive amplifiers SD2S together with MC2 form a complete drive system: they can evaluate all established measuring systems and reach exceptional positioning accuracy with extremely high synchronization of the X/Y main axes. In addition, SD2B plus is available for positioning the Z-axis, e.g. for focus adjustment of direct imaging units

As an option, SD2S provides the opportunity to output trigger signals for the synchronization of the application unit, for example a print head. This function also allows scaling the motion axes to the resolution of the application unit. MC2 comes with up to eight inputs or outputs. With an optional, external I/O module these can be expanded to a maximum of 96 inputs and 96 outputs. The transmission protocol IO-Link 3 ensures reliable data transmission to the I/O system 50.06 via optical fiber cables. For the parameterization and optimization of the MC2 system, SIEB & MEYER provides the software drivemaster2 and drivemaster3.

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