The Baumer MAGRES portfolio of magnetic absolute encoders expands by new product variants with analog interface. Eased system integration and diagnostic functionalities are principal benefits of this proven interface for data transmission which is commonly implemented in utility vehicles, cranes and industrial trucks.
The encoders operate on a 12-bit singleturn and 16-bit multiturn resolution with analog output by 12-bit D/A transducer. The new variants are available with solid and blind hollow shaft. When it comes to height or length acquisition up to 7500 mm, for example positioning of vehicle outriggers, telescopic cranes or lifting platforms, the series provides compact analog encoders with cable-pull assembly.
The robust, non-contact and strictly magnetic single and multiturn sensing technique is absolutely wearfree and will defy dirt, dust, condensing and temperature fluctuations to provide absolute reliability in position detection. The ultra-resilient encoders endure shock and vibration impacts up to 500 g respectively 30 g and ensure dependable operation throughout the entire temperature range from -40 °C to +85 °C. Integrated self-diagnostics continuously monitor the position value upon plausibility and secure failsafe encoder functionality.
The encoders come with voltage output from 0 to 10 V respectively 0.5 to 4.5 V or with current output 4 to 20 mA. In demanding applications, the optional two-channel output will form a redundant system to guarantee the highest level of installation availability. Default settings or on-site parameterization by teach-in feature considerably simplify device configuration.
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