Portada » New five Delta AX-3 PLC Motion Controllers for automation

New five Delta AX-3 PLC Motion Controllers for automation

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Delta announces the release of five new AX-3 motion controllers, offering greater scalability within the AX series, thus allowing you to choose the device with the best performance/price ratio for your specific application.

AX-304ELA0PA1P and AX-304ELA0PA1T

Available with both PNP and NPN embedded digital outputs, the AX-304EL supports up to 4 point-to-point EtherCAT axes and represents the most cost-effective motion control solution within the AX-3 series.
It also includes 2 switched Ethernet ports, fast digital inputs, and outputs and RS232/485 serial ports.


Similarly to the existing AX-308EA0MA1T, this new device can manage up to 8 EtherCAT axes and supports motion control features like gearing, ECAM, and interpolated movements. Now it is available with embedded PNP digital outputs.


With many identical characteristics to the AX-308E, the AX-316EA0MA1T supports the same motion control features, HW interfaces (multi-axis motion functions, fast digital inputs and outputs, serial ports, Ethernet ports, SSI, and incremental encoder interfaces), and can support up to 16 EtherCAT axes.


The AX-364EL supports up to 64 point-to-point EtherCAT axes, with eight axes supporting multi-axis motion control functions (gearing, ECAM, interpolation). It has the same HW interfaces as AX-308E and AX-316E.

All these devices are compatible with the existing Delta AS modular I/O modules that can be directly connected to the right side of the CPU, and support the same array of communication protocols (Ethernet/IP, Modbus TCP, Modbus RTU, and OPC UA) with no need for additional licenses or external modules.

All these devices are already included in DIADesigner-AX, the Delta engineering tool based on the well-known automation platform CODESYS. DIADesigner-AX makes the whole software development process easier for both simple PLC applications and complex motion control tasks, in accordance with international standards like IEC 61131-3 and PLCopen.

With a full set of interfaces, support for many different communication protocols, standard software programming, and scalability, the AX series is extremely flexible and suitable for a wide range of applications in different market segments, such as packaging, woodworking, metalworking, and assembling.

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