Portada » New function from B&R opens up more possibilities for exchanging models

New function from B&R opens up more possibilities for exchanging models

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B&R has added a new function to its Automation Studio development environment. With FMU Export, machine code can be exported and integrated as a PLC simulation into any simulation tool, allowing simulation experts to work in the familiar software ecosystem of their choice. This saves both valuable time and resources during interdisciplinary development.

All necessary data is automatically bundled into a Functional Mock-up Unit, or FMU. Because the exported FMU incorporates a standardized interface, there is no need to create a new interface for each tool. The only requirement on the tool side is support for the FMI 2.0 standard. FMI stands for Functional Mock-up Interface, an industry-independent standard for exchanging models between different modeling tools.

Data exchange in both directions

It was already possible to import machine models into Automation Studio using FMU Import. Now developers can also export their machine code to the simulation tool of their choice. Starting with Automation Studio 4.12, FMU Export is available to all Automation Studio users.

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