Portada » New Intelligent PD6 compact drives with extended fieldbus options

New Intelligent PD6 compact drives with extended fieldbus options

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The intelligent PD6 compact drives from Nanotec are now available with Profinet and EtherNet/IP. They combine motor, controller and encoder in a space-saving package that delivers maximum performance and flexibility.

With its 80 mm flange and a rated power of 942 W, the PD6-EB is the most powerful brushless DC motor of this product family. The stepper motor version has an 86 mm flange (NEMA 34) and a holding torque of up to 10 Nm. In combination with extended features, such as acceleration feed forward and jerk-limited ramps, the field-orientated torque, speed and position control provides optimum dynamic performance and thus cycle time.

The motors can be controlled via fieldbus, clock & direction or analog and digital inputs. For easy integration into customer applications, there are 6 fieldbus options to choose from. Programming is easy with the free Plug & Drive Studio software from Nanotec. Singleturn absolute encoders are standard, multiturn encoders can be ordered optionally. Reduced installation time and wiring make the PD6 series a highly profitable choice for machine tools, packaging machines or conveyor belts.

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