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New Management Structure at FAULHABER

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In January 2022, the year of Dr. Fritz Faulhaber GmbH & Co. KG’s 75th anniversary, the drive specialist will get a new management structure. Due to retirement, the previous managing directors, Dr. Thomas Bertolini and Gert Frech-Walter, will be handing over the reigns to the new five-person management team around Karl Faulhaber.

“Their vision of standardized and synchronized production across locations was just as important to FAULHABER’s success at the beginning of the new millennium as the integration of the international subsidiaries into the FAULHABER Group during their joint tenure. In their capacity as managing directors, they also accepted numerous awards on behalf of FAULHABER, such as the “Factory of the Year 2018” in the category “Outstanding small-batch production”. Dr. Thomas Bertolini and Gert Frech-Walter are handing over an extremely well-positioned company that is ready for the challenges of tomorrow. We would like to thank the two of them for their commitment and dedication, and we hope they will enjoy their well-deserved retirement,” says Karl Faulhaber.

Expanded new management

As part of the changeover the management team was expanded. In addition to Karl Faulhaber (Sales, Marketing), Hubert Renner (Order Management), Markus Dietz (Finance, Controlling), Lutz Braun (HR, Legal) and Dr. Udo Haberland (R&D, Innovation) will also be entrusted with the management of the family business.

Continuity is important for the success of the family-run group of companies. As a member of the new management team, of which some members have decades of experience in various leadership positions at FAULHABER, Karl Faulhaber will be representing the third generation of the founding family to take the helm of the company. Together with its customers, partners, and employees, FAULHABER will continue to focus on healthy growth and profitability.

“After 17 years (Dr. T. Bertolini) and 22 years (G. Frech-Walter) respectively, we will hand over the reigns to the new management at the turn of the year. We would like to thank our partners and customers for their loyalty and outstanding cooperation. This is also an incentive for the new management, whom we wish the best of success,” said the outgoing managing directors Dr. Thomas Bertolini and Gert Frech-Walter.

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